Wednesday 21 November 2012

An open letter to Jln Desa Aman 3 Residents

17 November 2012 

Dear Fellow Residents of Jln Desa Aman 3

Since the inception of a security scheme in our taman by RADA in November 2010, we have been enjoying crime-free and worry-free days. J Our family members and visitors alike can walk and cycle within the taman without fear of being attacked by snatch thieves; our homes are safe from break-ins by burglars; and our cars parked on the street at night are no longer vandalized or stolen. In addition, property value has gone up in this taman and real estate agents are seeking to purchase our houses! Yes, this is all because people have now come to perceive our taman as a guarded community and a safe neighborhood. But sadly, all this will come to an end for us soon, most likely by 1 January 2013. L  

Why? This is because the RADA Committee has made a decision to drop Jln Desa Aman 3 from the security scheme by the end of 2012. When this happens, the boom gate at Jln DA 3 will be moved to the junction at Jln DA 8, and our jalan (No. 1 to No. 90) will become freely accessible to all and sundry, including snatch thieves, burglars and thugs. We will in effect become the target of crimes because we will be the only street in Taman Desa Aman with NO security. What a grim and frightening prospect! L  

You can probably guess why we are being dropped from the security scheme. Our subscription rate has been hovering around 70% since 2010, the lowest among all the jalan in this Taman. Of late, this has dropped even further. For the last quarter (Oct to Dec 2012), only about 50% or 52 houses (From No. 1 to No. 90) paid subscription. The amount collected is no longer sustainable. RADA Committee has no choice but to drop us, in order that security services can be continued for the rest of the taman. We have only ourselves to blame for this sorry state of affairs. We cannot blame other people, after all, why should the residents on other jalan continue to subsidize and pay for our security?  

Low subscription rate is but one among several reasons why the RADA Committee is dropping us like hot potatoes! Some of you can guess why. Jln DA 3 residents are giving the RADA Committee and the rest of the residents in this taman too many problems and headaches:

1)     Many residents on Jln DA 3 habitually double park on the road, even though they can park their cars in their own porches or driveways. Not only do they obstruct traffic flow and cause inconvenience, they pose hazards to their neighbors and other road users. This situation is worst near the boom gate, because residents even park and block the emergency entrance!  RADA Committee is sick and tired of receiving complaints from residents, as well as security guards who suffer verbal abuse whenever they try to stop such inconsiderate and illegal parking.  

2)     Some residents on Jln DA 3 and their visitors are such a nuisance that security guards are not willing to work at that boom gate anymore. As such, RADA Committee finds it very difficult to manage the security team. Nuisance ranges from unreasonable demands to challenges to fight, even to manhandling the guards! Yes, all these because they do not want to comply with rules that they perceive as causing them “inconveniences”. Some of them are non-paying residents, who forget that even the paying residents are putting up with such “inconveniences” without any complaint.  

For the sake of everyone’s safety on Jln DA 3, we have taken the initiative to negotiate with the RADA Committee for us to remain in the security scheme. The committee has agreed to consider our request, if we can meet the following conditions:  

1)     We bring up Jln DA 3 subscription rate to a sustainable level, starting with the collection for the last quarter, Oct to Dec of 2012.  

2)     We form our own Jln DA 3 Subcommittee to handle and solve the other two major problems listed above. 

For the continued safety of everyone on Jalan DA 3, we now appeal to all of you for cooperation and support. If you have not paid for the last quarter of Oct to Dec 2012, please pay up as soon as possible. Also, please persuade your non-paying neighbors to start to contribute (see appended list), and please volunteer to serve in the Jln DA 3 Subcommittee. To pay subscription, you may drop off your checks at the guard house at Jln DA 9, or houses Nos. 4, 77 or 87 on Jln DA 3. Please contact one of us if you are willing to help and serve on the Jln DA 3 Subcommittee.   

Thank you. 

Yours sincerely

Jln DA 3 representatives

Dr Gan Siowck Lee,

Ms Christine Lin,
Mdm Wong Wan Cheng,