
Whether you are happy or unhappy with what’s happening around us in Taman Desa Aman, please feel free to use this channel to feedback issues concerning the neighbourhood to us.
Alternatively, you also can contact us via:


tel: 012-2315533 (Hassan)
tel: 019-3424648 (Koh)
tel: 012-2889888 (Shirley Lee)
tel: 016-2968043 (Nancy) - Collection of monthly fee

or drop us a mail:
No.6 Jalan Desa Aman 8, Taman Desa Aman, Cheras 56100 Kuala Lumpur


  1. Thank you for all your efforts, I would say you have done a great job.

    Regarding the monthly RM80 security fee, please take into consideration of retired/poor family. Perhaps a discount or special fee?

    1. Beside the monthly RM80 security fee, there is now a proposed increase of Nilai Tahunan by DBKL by 1st Jan 2014. The proposed increase by DBLK is more than 100%. I am sure all members had already received the notice from DBKL.
      This massive increase cannot be justified for the following reasons:-

      • The DBKL’s annual expenses in our Taman are minimal because I can see that our drains which are are clogged with sediment and vegetation are not cleared. We have to clear the drain in front of our house regularly ourselves.
      • Road is not swept daily and we have to sweep the road in front of our houses ourselves every day.
      • The vacant land along Jalan Desa Aman 9, is like a jungle with snakes and DBKL has done nothing to clean it up.
      • A lamp pole which is covered with creeping plants is leaning dangerously to one side. I make a report to DBKL(No. Rujukan : 28493.087090) but no action was taken.
      • The roads in our Taman have not be resurfaced in the past 30 years. Only small holes were patched up.

      Can anyone think of more reasons against this massive increase?

  2. If the fixed cost is RM 13,200 for 4 guards (2 day & night) and the calculation is based on 180 household (out of over 300 household)willing to pay, it worked out to be RM73 per house. the only reason why this cost cannot be reduced, is because the other 50% are not willing to pay. Instead of asking for discount, can everyone do their part to encourage all their neighbours to joint in and automatically the fees will reduce eg if we have 300 household willing to pay, then, each one of us will only need to pay RM13,200 / 300 = RM44. I strongly would like to see our Taman having secutiy, but when everyone ask for discount and moreover, some not willing to pay, this means I, as one of the household, will have to pay more than RM80 to subsidise. Is this fair to me?

  3. Sorry, revert back to the info provided, RM 13200 is for 8 guards. Point is, we, the resident of Desa Aman, all must cooperate and be willing to sacrifice a certain amount of RM to ensure that our taman is more secured. If majority don't want to pay, and left the minority to pay, then the burden is on the minority. By all of us joining in to contribute (hopefully more than 85% of 350 household) willing to pay, then we all need to pay only about RM 45 or lower. This will benefit all including the poor / retired. Those who can afford / (rich), pls make extra contribution and money collected can then used to upgrade our taman/ reduce the burden of those who really cannot afford to. So, please spread the word and help to get more people to join in. This is OUR home.

  4. Why there is a different interpretation in the English and Chinese version? In the English version, the payment we need make is RM70. However according to the Chinese version, it stated that RM60 as montly security fee and RM10 as monthly donation. What the monthly donation contribute to?

  5. From this first day of my observation about our security guards, I think we have chosen an unproper security company,they act totally unprofessional,just like budak-budak and some more put a lady as our security guard.this is the worst I have ever seen.Even worst was that,at 2am that night,I past through both of the gate,both of the gate were wide open and both of them were slept on their chair at the same time,one cover himself with his coat and the other with umbrella, both of them unaware of my passing through.
    3 October 2010 02:40

  6. Sorry for the mistake. The RM70 is for security only. However we hope more participants is contributing to reduce the monthly security (RM70) in future.

  7. Thanks for your feedback.

    We have called up the security company, I-Hawk Security Consultant Sdn. Bhd., this morning and afternoon (1pm) respectively on the issue. All our committee members and representatives are monitoring their performance too.

    I-Hawk's Mr. Mukhtear Singh promised to rectify the problem immediately. He will adjust the man power while give more training to the staffs as most staffs are new. The company also asking for more time as we are giving them very short notice (5 days) for the duty.

    For your information, we obtained 3 quotations and after careful evaluation and cost consideration, we shortlisted two of them, and re-negotiate the fees, hence the delay in appointment. I-Hawk is choosen as they are more experience and lowest in fee. In addition, they also agree to bear half of the cost on security booth, boom gate and lighting. They also agreed to bear partly the cost of check-point system. The above have saved few thousand ringgits. We will publish the details on website soon.

    Please remember to take photo and send to us, for the company to take disciplinary action.

    The boom gate will be opened for the start as we need to monitor the traffic condition and more observation on residents response. We are checking the ronda guard's route too and will implement 'checkpoint' method with 20 points on strategic locations for them to time-record their duty, especially at night.

  8. Some houses in Tmn Desa Aman have installed alarm systems. What do the security guarads do when they hear an alarm which has triggered off? Have they been trained or instructed to deal this kind of situation?

  9. Once the alarm is triggered, they will go there have a check and try to contact the owner. If suspect any break-in, will contact police immediately.

    The security company will issue the guideline on their duty & responsibilities to all members of RADA, once the final figure of RADA member is available (as we still collecting fee due to availability of owner).

    For house of non-member, their house will not be checked and no obligation for them to make further action even alarm is triggered.

    Note: Only those paying full RM70 is considered a RADA member.

  10. Strolling around the taman at night as a way of security patrol,is that just a waste of time of our security force.Don't have to be so slow isn't it,it will take such a long time to wall from one house to another,how many round they can do for the whole night,I think bicycle or non noisy motorbike would be better.And when there is any suspicious man coming in they should use motorbike to follow them as a way to show those potentially bad guys our taman's tie security ,so at lease it will drive away a certain percent of their choice to put our taman as their target.thank you for all your hard work to make our taman secured.

  11. We will analyse again the patrolling interval of the guards. For your info, some residents prefer them to walk so they can pay more attention to houses, while some prefer them to use bicycle and focus more on the cars.

    Anyhow we are implementing check-point system (scheduled 16th October) at critical areas in our taman. The check-point system will record their presence at the points.

    The routine of the patrolling guards will be changed from time to time too.

  12. I had looked at the score card, and the security firm selected I hawk only required 7 days notification, we given 5 day (see comments by RADA). They also calim to have 200 workforce and experience in at least 2 gated communities.

    SO WHY the teething problems, WHY the local /women guardd.

  13. I think the security is done in 5 days to kick off, considered quite impressive (i know some taman need 15-30 days, while my ex-taman in PJ need >30 days for guards, after 2 years planning!). The teething issues are happening in every RA as nobody knows the expectation of every residents (remember I-Hawk / RADA need to serve 200+ different background residents). I was at the coffeeshop when RADA having meeting with I-Hawk, and I believe they are sorting better options too.
    It's just 2 weeks in operation by a team of inexperience part-time committee, please give them some support instead. I have seen many improvements during these period, bravo to them!!

  14. I would like to inform and want all resident to take note about the attitude of our guards.they always choose to perform their job in the most relax and easy way and disregard what are we hiring them for. For so many times, I have noticed that in the midnight the gate was open far before I reach there,it means it was always open,and they just don't pay much attention to who were those passing through,even my visiting friends feel that they just don't care.Is it that we paid but didn't ask for good security system or this security firm is just one that is not up to standard.I mention it just for the good of every body,and we have to continuously monitor their performance,most importantly at the midnight,because they always think that no body judging them at that time,whereas that is the time we totally depends on them.

  15. Comments noted. Please check main page for updates.

  16. I think one hour for each patrol interval is far too long a time,I would said half hour is acceptable.Once those bad guys knew that they have one safe hour to do their job,they will still try their luck here.We should aim at reducing house break in or other crimes,rather then wasting too much time like trying to catch thieves,as you know chances of catching a thief is very small.Short patrolling interval will deter thieves,because they will feel that guards are always behind them at any time.
    Another thing is that the entrance should always be close,no matter what or how much traffic,that is the only chance the guards can pay an attention into the car,it is a good pressure to those bad ones,and also work as an important barrier;if it is not this way,you can see most of the guards will do their job in a ‘tidak apa’relax way;the effectiveness of our security will sure be dropped.Lets everybody thinks about it.

  17. We should not rely on patrolling guards alone. Even they patrol every 15 minutes with 20 guards, i think the thief still can wait for their chance.

    Please proceed the fencing soonest. I think this is more important.

    While the entrance, there are too many cars entering our taman. Should use CCTV to assist the guard instead.

  18. Do we really want our guards to have a very relax job.Since we are paying full for them,why just want to get haft of the job done,more patrolling means more secure,it is something for sure,some more there are four of them,they can do it on shift,even non stop it is not hard for them at all.As you see now,the gates are always open,day or night,no matter who comes in,with or without sticker,there is no checking,no questioning,even worst they didn’t pay any attention to those car without sticker;so many residents mentioned about it,these are all through informations from their no car sticker friends.We paid full ,why not ask for the full force,instead of receiving only 30% of the available force now.WHY,WHY?

  19. 1. We are distributing the car stickers currently. By next month onwards the gate shall be closed at certain hour, and only next month onwards only allow car with stickers to pass thru without checking.
    2. Please allow us to do it step by step as it involve many issues such as traffic flow (if in 1 minute there are over 5 cars passing, how to close the gate? the process of close and open would take about 30 seconds itself), speeding cars (many cars still haven't get used to slowdown the car), dangerous driving, low-patient drivers etc.
    3. Too frequent opening of gate would shortern the live span of gates. Hence you can see on those high traffic gates, normally opened during peak hours.
    4. Remember this is just First month the security guards in operation. We have to give one month allowance for them to monitor and understand our requirement. In addition, also time allowance for our residents to familiar with this. We propose you observe for a night to see how our residents' driving behaviour and attitude, to understand more.
    5. We welcome you to join us as representatives, to give us more advise. Please contact En. Hassan (012-2315533) or Ch'ng (010-2666160).

  20. Hi,

    A few points for the attention of RADA.

    1 I do not support the publication of non-members addresses is this blog or in any other form. This is not the way. You alienate people and you harden attitudes. We should try the soft approach to get their buy-in. In this aspect the guards should also take a look-see at non-member houses. Can you imagine the positive impact it will have if a theft in a non-member house is prevented? It will speak volumes for us and also encourage non-members to join based on this effectiveness. Do not ape the other Tamans. Let us show that we are a class above. Also to encourage buy-in do not see this project as a security project per se. This is a Residents Assoc and hence there should be some community events to garner awareness and support and we should make a special effort to invite attendance from members and non-members alike. Be inclusive and people will be motivated to change their mindsets.

    2 Now that the boom gates are operational and cars are stopped and drivers queried (at least as at 7 Nov), what comes next? If my visitor comes, what can he or she expect from the guards? I know that in Taman Bkt Segar, the guardhouse calls the resident to check if the visitor is genuine. Do you even have members'phone numbers. I think not. Also are hawkers that hawk from house to house still allowed?

    3 I hope that the 010 numbers for Jln 3 and Jln 9 security booths are for real. I will want to try them out at unearthly hours just to test whether it works. Can some one out there do that do and keep RADA informed. I hope that if there is a genuine case where an intruder is spotted and we call the guards at the 010 numbers they will come. Can we have a dry run and see if it works. This will also test the gurads familiarity with the layout and numbering system of the taman. I hope when someone do call the guards will understand English and or BM. I worry abt this because the guards are foreigners.

    I have more to add but later. Mean time the one cool thing abt RADA is this blog. I want to congratulate the webmaster. Can we list him and not just the office bearers? He deserve a round of applause.

  21. Thanks for your comment.
    1. We do not publish member's personal info on the website. However we need to transparent and fair to all members, as everyone would like to know how our collection is derived. For non-members, in fact this is their request not to distube their life/freedom, hence we have no right to check on their house, which could be a possible robbery or theft incident. Many even told us they have very good alarm system and will not need us at all, even if alarm is triggered. As most non-members are very hostile on our security service, we will not distube their house, except they ask for it.
    2. Cars are stopped on certain selected hours. We have most numbers of residents, but not given to guards. If they suspect anything, they will follow the vehicle to check it out instead, or call our committee. However the current security company still unable to deliver what we asked. We are looking for a better way to solve the issue.
    3. The 010 numbers are functional, and there were few cases where alarm is triggered and residents called them to check. We are having more security measurements in addition to the 010 numbers, will be announced later.

  22. So, we have a new security company!
    To encourage buy-in, can we compile some data to distribute to all, especially the non-subsribers, to show that there have been less or no incidents (theft or break-ins) since we engaged the security services?
    I think all CARS without stickers should be stopped and checked (against a list of car numbers collected from non-subsribers)to really ensure good security.

  23. The old company's guards sit there and wave you on. The new company's guards STAND up and wave you on. Yeah, big improvement.


  24. Dear RADA,

    On the 8th December, a outsider drove in in rhe early hours of the morning (5.50am), he was not stoped nor were any questions posed to him. He was in FACT waved in .
    Please advise if this is the SOP to be employed by the guards

  25. This present setup is CRAP. Pure, unadulterated CRAP, CRAP and more CRAP.
    Lets re-do it as follows:
    1 Dismantle the present installation
    2 Install a container-like cabin lengthwise in the middle of the road. This reopens up both sides of the road. Container cabin must have a door, and windows with a counter on both sides. Give the guards a fan too.
    3 One side of the road is for cars with stickers. For God's sake do not be so kiasu. Give all cars owned by residents a sticker whether paying or not. This speeds up traffic and buys goodwill from residents.
    4 All non-resident cars entering must park beside house no 1 and no 2 in Jlan Desa aman and proceed to guardhouse to tell guard on duty 3 things a) address he is visiting b)name of person and c)phone number. Guard writes these and car number and MyKad down down in a register and calls house to confirm or house owner can call ahead if he expects a visitor. We can give all members an option that is: want guard to call or not? Upon satisfaction, guard lifts boom gate to allow entry.
    This can only work if the RADA is not so kiasu and childish always harping on who are paying and who are not. Grow up lah!!!

    I sincerely want this to work. We've got a good thing and a good team. Now lets make the right choices and make it happen.

    Meanwhile I am going to enjoy this "greeter" service. Someone to stand up and greet you after a long tiring day at the office.


  26. Hi, it's me GS once again. I noticed the security numbers in Jalan 3 and Jalan 9 have not changed. And since I do not see any expenses for handphones in the statement of accounts, am I right to say that the handphones were owned by the previous co and taken away by them after their services were terminated? If so what are the new numbers to call? Please update the web portal.


  27. Hi GS,
    If there is not enough collection to cover the monthly cost, who is going to foot the bill. You? Of course, we have to harp on people who dont pay and yet want service. Take note that any committee in any resident association in any taman, they are not paid a single cent and are working for FREE. And don't treat them like yr worker, note some of them need not even take up the post of committee member but have to do it, because no one want to do it. Even you also couldn't be bothered right. In the event if there is any shortage in money to pay due to low collection, since they deal with the guards co etc, the commitee member of any resident association will have to foot the bill. Please appreciate their effort.

  28. To the lady / gentleman who responded to me, GS, let's not get personal, OK?

    On top of this page RADA said "Whether you are happy or unhappy with what’s happening around us in Taman Desa Aman, please feel free to use this channel to feedback issues concerning the neighbourhood to us."

    If RADA sanctions getting personal, then they should remove this welcome.

    Please do not talk down to me. I am a senior citizen and I have done my bit for my community. I served as a Rukun Tetangga committee member in crime prone Tiong Nam area of Chow Kit where I stayed when I first came to KL. We do not have the luxury of foreign guards like you. All we had was a stick to protect ourselves when we go patrolling in unearthly hours. We worked in 2 shifts from 7pm to 7am. A lot of hard core residents in Lorong Haji Taib areas of Tiong Nam shirked their duties BUT we do not embarrass them by publishing their names on the notice boards. So please do not talk down to me, I've been there, done that,and got no thanks or appreciation too. Do you understand? OK?

    Next point: It is not correct to say that those who do not pay still want service. They may have valid reasons / experiences that make them opt out of the scheme. Also when they bought their houses here it was without this so-called security service. They had free use of both sides of the road but now they have to put up with the inconvenience of using only one side. They do not complain, they put up with it. So I say they deserve some respect for their patience. You do not return that patience by embarrassing them.

    Let us try to buy them over by being inclusive.

    My posting on 7 Nov 22:14 before I adopted the initials GS so that fair minded people, like yourself, I hope, can respond paid a tribute to the webmaster. So the question of not appreciating the unsung heroes does not arise. Comprende?

    Just as you advise me not to treat exco members like my workers, which I do not, I would like to RETURN YOUR FAVOUR and admonish that you do not assume that those who opt out of RADA are FREELOADING SCUM. Make a wrong move and one of them might just sue the pants of RADA.

    Have a nice weekend!


    GS 6523

    (4 digits out of a string of published random digits to authenticate if necessary. Alternatively, you can go buy damacai and maybe get rich. Good luck!)

  29. Hi all,

    as i am aware of (from one of the committee member), they are working on all proposals to improve our security, for the safety of all residents, whether or not they are paid member. On this, i have to say a big thank you for RADA's effort.

    Mr.GS has raise up some ideas, i think RADA would consider his proposals too. I understand the webmaster is not in Malaysia currently and unable to update the website (China ban blogspot website), hopefully more information would be available after he come back mid of the month, and we would be updated on what has been done so far.

    (As I know, RADA is working on CCTV and fencing now, right?)


  30. As far as I am concerned, those who can afford and yet refuse to pay for the RADA security scheme is just cheapskate freeloaders. I call a spade a spade. I have a state-of-the-art alarm system set up in my house, I don't need this RADA security scheme. Yet, I don't mind chipping in. Why? I believe in being a good and cooperative neighbor. I don't mind paying for additional security...and contributing towards the overall safety and security of this neighborhood.

  31. Well said! I wish some of my neighbors -- with nice posh cars parked in their porches -- read your honest comment. Yes, they don't pay! Cheapskate freeloaders!

  32. Having RADA security is first line defense and our home is second line defence. Without the first line of defence, each house will be possible DIRECT target, with or without alarm. Therefore, those with security installed in their home, and think that RADA security is not required, consider this point.

    Secondly, there are VERY genuine poor that could not afford security, I totally agree they do not have to pay, but for the rest that do not fall into this category, ....

    The reason that those who bought the house (30 years ago?), there were no barricade. Well, 30 years ago, there were not many computers or colour television and that was a LUXURY then. Is this so, today? To have foreign guard is luxury? 30 years ago, YES but 30 years later, it had became a NECESSITY and a small price to pay for safety. Each successful break in, can result in potential loss that ranges from hundreds or thousands of ringgit, so isn't it a small price to pay for security?. Isn't our safety and our family's safety worth more than the small fee that we have to pay? Why take the 100% risk when you can reduce it to maybe 10% risk?

    The world is ever changing, we have FACE REALITY of what is happening around us TODAY instead of refering to what it was 30 - 40 years ago.

  33. I am fed up of this person insulting non participating residents as cheapskates freeloaders. He is the real cheapskate as far as I am concerned. Why do you want other residents to share the cost of security with you? You should employ your own security guards and place them in front of your house like those semiD residents residing in Jalan 4. If you think Desa Aman is full of cheapskates freeloaders, by all means move to posh areas like Mont Kiara, Valencia or Desa Park City where you can have Nepalese Gurka guards. Or just in case you cannot afford these areas, you can move to Bayu Segar which is next to Desa Aman. Our PM Najib have been calling us to change our lifestyle and now you are advocating us to incur more expenses. You should channel your efforts and resources in petitioning the police to patrol our garden for free. This is a democratic country and each and every resident can decide whether or not to participate in the scheme. You may be able to afford the RM70 each month but to others the amount represent one week of food expenditure.

    With people like you, the harmony in Desa Aman is gone. You are pitting neighbours against neighbours.

  34. It was very clearly stated in a few post, that the poor, it is completed COMPREHENDED that RM70 is a lot and should be exempted. Hence, need not time and time again, lump them into the same category. For those with house extensively renovated, large cars on their porch, is RM70 represent one week of food expenditure?

    Again, we should FACE REALITY, there is not enough police to patrol around all taman in cheras and even the police are encouraging each taman to be proactive and set up the security system. Not only in Cheras, but in Subang, USJ and even in Taman Len Seng too.

    Read other taman website on their resident association. When MOST neighbors cooperate and contribute, there are better interaction between them to the extend some RA have enough resources to organise events, to pull the resident together. When you have hv active taman, more would want to move in, thus increasing the value of our property. Wouldn't everyone would love to see this in our taman? Who will benefit?

    As for pitting neighbors against neighbor, again read other taman RA. Once a security system is set up in a taman, this WILL happen hence, this happen not because one call another freeloader or whatever in a post. There is bound to have resident who want to pay and non paying one and human nature, of course those who have to fork out RM70 (which can also represent one week of their food expenditure) will feel unfair. You do not need have a person to post this in the website, to instigate another to be angry with the neighbor. Lot of them talk among themselves in the market, playground, during morning tai chi etc and this will be discussed! My 70 year old mum could even tell me of one particular person who had what business and how much money they have, which country they have travelled to etc(you know some likes to brag) but refuses to pay. And she does not even know how to use the computer.

  35. Refering to the post from a non paying resident (I assume from the content of the post). If more than 51% of the resident (it is because of this approval from resident that the security can exist in our taman) wants security, this mean MAJORITY wants to have continue to have the security. Does this mean MAJORITY (> 51%) of the resident should move out?? or YOU in particular should move out?? Instead of focussing on "MY expenses", why not think about "OUR" welfare of all resident?

    If you don't want to pay, nobody can force you to as it is indeed your right. Your neighbors has been paying for you all this while anyway, and I am sure they will continue to do so. We all will continue to bring positive change to this place we call home, with or without you.

  36. Hi fellow residents,

    I would like to appeal that we do not get personal in this ongoing debate? Debate is good but do NOT get personal.

    Nobody moves out. Nobody should suggest anybody move out. We are in this together. Also not everybody bought their houses 30 years ago, some bought like only a year ago. Yes, don't believe me? Go do a survey. And also when I referred to the luxury of foreign guards it was in comparative context of a somebody who got personal with me and challenged my commitment to the community. It could very well be the luxury of hired guards; foreign or local. Can we now let the issue of non-participants lapse and move on? We have more pressing issues. We have 80 % supporters, if I remember or read correctly? Can we now see how the expectations of the 80% be met and leave the 20% alone? If we keep on talking about this we will never make any headway.

    Thus I would like to suggest that we close the issue by explaining, in the newsletter that was proposed,(or a one-off notice) to all residents about the consequences of non-membership in case anything untoward should happen? I think that is fair. We do not want the effectiveness of the security system, that we have put up, blamed and lies spread about the security arrangements. We could lose valuable members in the process.

    BTW I am a full paying member of RADA and contrary to what somebody said about me earlier, I sincerely appreciate the services of the exco members, and appreciate what they have done for the community.

    The nub of the problem is the answer to the age old marketing question: Is the present system, value for money? Frankly, I do not think so. I am sorry. And I think I am not alone. Can anyone seriously think it is value for money? Is it even a first line of defence for that matter? Is it in any way a deterent? I think not. That leaves us our second line of defence which brings us to square 1 except that now we have to pay to be brought to square 1. Like it or not, the security service is laughable and is totally crappy. Talk about calling a spade a spade! The concept of Value for Money never changes. It was true 30-40 years ago; it is true today and will continue to hold true 40 more years and beyond. If we take care of this, membership takes care of itself. And even if it does not, there is nothing we can do about it.

    Christmas, the year end and new year is coming. To all our friends, in and out of RADA, merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. May you be well and happy!


    GS (6800)

  37. I totally agree that the current security system is NOT the desired one. But before the security system was set up, there used to be unidentified car loitering around, and break in reported almost every other week. In one particular day alone, there were more than 5 cases!

    Since we had this security system, I have not heard of any break-in, hence, based on SOLID FACTS - first line of defense DOES work and functions it was supposed to do - it DID deter potential burglar and we DO have less unidentified car in our taman. On a personnal level which is the most important point, the peace of mind that I had for the past 2 months - that is still worth the price. I used to wake up, at any sound of cars passing by my house and checking and checking. I guess in the long run, could have lead me to mental breakdown or very high stress level. Even at work then, I was always worried about my house,especially whenever the alarm was activated (I get a message thru SMS). When I reached my house, I hv to look left & right, check if there is anybody around, coz heard of cases, when you open the main gate, they rush in with parang....

    Coming from manufacturing base, many new processes start from basic and improvement is done along the way - after many mistakes. Motivation & coaching is the way to go, to encourage improvement not harsh words like kiasu, crap etc. Guide our comittee members in a good manner, afterall, I presumed they are all non experience in this area. Each one have a mind of our own and we will always feel what we do is right, hence, like bringing up children or have a subordinate at work, sometimes, it is better to let them make the mistake and they will then more likely to change. Remember, human are the most difficult to control, machine can just adjust, if not working, throw away.....

    Having said that, the comitte should continuously get feedback from residents and weigh the pro & cons, and do what you think is best for the community. In a company, they hire the right person (with proper qualification & experience) for a particular job, however, in this case, you may not have the experince that is expected to do this job. Hence, continue to seek feedback & ideas for improvement. You cannot please everyone (I learned that the hard way!). Good luck!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year too, to everyone. We may not have a good start, let's hope in time, things will get better as we move along.

  38. I think what GS said made a lot of sense.

  39. 2 postings up. The person who said crap and kiasu are harsh word. What about CHEAPSKATE and FREELOADERS? Not harsh ah hah? Be more balanced lah. Lets have a ceasefire like GS suggest

  40. The word FREELOADERS were posted by GS first. No one called anyone FREELOADERS until GS started it, based on his assumption. Read lah carefully the post where the word FREELOADERS started.

    However, GS did put a lot of good advise/suggestion, that I have to agree and hence have NOT shot down any of his suggestion. Coz I too think they are GOOD suggestion.

  41. We have a group labeled CHEAPSKATE FREELOADER, who can aford but do not want to pay, but seemed to be well forgiven.

    Then we have another group of committe member, who maybe CEO a company, businesss owners etc who toiled together in the hot sun,walking around the taman, setting up the security system, worked together during their family time,etc and they are called kiasu and that is OK.

    Well, let's see how long this committe our security system. If I am one of them, I will be the first to resign and get on with my usual life, which is my family time! Cos, it is not worth the effort.

  42. I would like to clarify some issues:

    1. The house plate is for identification of members, nothing else. As mentioned, all members are enjoying free insurance cover and extra protection (eg. pay more attention to the house if owner went outstation/overseas), and this is their right to display the plate for easier identification and speedy action by security in case of emergency.

    2. Yes the security service is not up to our expectation yet, but they are improving. Due to the fact that they are newly recruited, 1st month is actually for the company to monitor their performance during their probation. Ofcourse we will add more and more security elements into the system. We welcome all suggestions even if it could be a bit harsh. We are not expert in this and all of us are first time doing community services.

    3. All residents (paid or non-paid) is under the basic security system. In case of emergency or suspect of break-in, the security will inform police immediately. We do not discriminate anyone here. Some paid members may get a bit upset that some residents who stay in luxury house/semiD with nice cars but not paying a cents, we can't do anything. But in the committee, we do not marginalise anyone. Our house representatives still trying to persuade every residents house to house to support RADA by joining as members. Members do get extra benefits as mentioned above (insurance, extra attention for house, sms to owners etc). But if residents decided not to pay a cent, nothing we can do too. We still allow their cars to come in, we still patrolling their streets. We still checking suspected vehicles/persons. We still contact police/bomba/ambulance for emergency.

    4. In KL, the security system is necessity without any doubt. Before we have security guards, many residents especially women can't get a good sleep in the night at all, and i mean MANY! We have over 10 cases per month and in July/August there are so many suspious vehicles entering our taman Every Night where in few particular days we have over 3-4 break-ins and car thefts cases. After we implemented security system, until today the whole taman only have 2 minor cases (windows broken - TNG cards stolen). This is very obvious that the system works. We receive a lots of thank you which is good in balancing with some harsh criticisms :). Now we just need to keep improving the system for a better level and please be more patience. Constructive comments are always welcome.

    5. The committee members are NOT fulltime. We all have our own jobs/business and family to take care. Almost everyone has contributed lots of time in RADA with sacrifications of quality family time. When our representatives spend time for street to street member fees collection, what they always receive are negative feedbacks or even scold by some others. Some residents even blame us for a falling trees, uncollected rubbish, noisy bikes etc. Many younger representatives in fact have quitted and the remaining others have to do more. There has been sweat and tears not understandable by residents. Despite this, we still trying our best to help all residents, for a better living environments for all.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

  43. Memang GS pakai dulu Freeloder term Tapi lihatlah konteknya. Bukan kecaman tapi saranan " not assume that those who opt out of RADA are FREELOADING SCUM" Dia good intention.

  44. To those who are paying, let us be magnanimous and big hearted and not be petty insulting others as cheapskates freeloaders. Renovations could be done and new cars could be bought during good times or when they were still working. The security fee was unforeseen and was never budgeted. Now maybe they are retired or their business may not be so good, and they still have loans to pay off. We have to be understanding and not begrudge those not paying. It is never good to push the tiger to jump over the wall as the Chinese proverb saying goes.

  45. Hang tak paham ke. Kan dah kali kali reminder, org yg tak berupaya, semua paham. Yg geram ialah yg berupaya, tapi tak nak bayar. Skrang, fees nak naik lagi, security minta naik gaji, yg bayar tak marah ke. Baca lah betui betui!

  46. Ya-lah! Yang tak berupaya, ok, yang geram ialah yang kaya-raya tetapi tak mau bayar! Padan muka dipanggil cheapskate freeloaders! Label ini memang betut dan tepat!
    These freeloaders are like people who refuse to pay tax or evade tax payment. They don't pay tax, but can continue to enjoy all the public facilities paid for by other tax payers! Their lame excuse? Don't like the way governemnt runs the country! Just like some of these freeloaders who said they don't pay because they don't agree with the way RADA committee manages the project! Lame excuse, bottom line is they continue to enjoy better secuirty, at the expense of their neighbors who pay. Yes, they are cheapskate freeloaders, no less!

  47. Got this off one RA site. Can we all give our view and if Ok, finalise and submit to comitte to try to implement.

    What should the guards do when someone's house alarm goes off?

    (1) The guards should immediately signaled via walkie-talkie to all guards to immediately pay straight control check for vehicles and unfamiliar persons exiting all exit points.

    (2) One guard or perhaps two if resource is enough to immediately go the scene by motorcycle (Motorcycle should be made as a pre-requisite requirement for employing the guard company) to inspect the house concerned.

    (3) The guard/guards should observe the house to see whether there is any opening doors or windows that can be seen from outside the main door or the fences if any or from the back of the house if there is a back lane..

    (4) The guard should press the door bell to confirm whether owner or house occupiers are inside the house or not regardless whether there is a suspected break in or not. If no respond and it is a suspected break in then guards should checked with the neighbours to contact owner. If neighbors are not available and owner cannot be contacted then guards should highlight the problem to their supervisor/manager who might have the contact via the resident committee.

    (5) Should guards suspect that the intruder/intruders are still inside the house they should not alarmed to avoid house occupiers who might be held hostage and being harmed by the intruders if pressured. The guards should immediately call the police if suspected intruders are still inside the house.

    (6) Should owner returned when informed, guards should briefed owner on happenings and accompanied owners inside the house just to ensure no intruders are still hiding inside the house. Should owner decided to inform police in case anything stolen from the house then guards will have to provide statements to the police if required.

    (7) If the alarm siren is caused by false alarm and house occupier/s is/are inside the house then guards should tell them to off the siren so that neighbours will not be disturbed. Should house occupiers do not know how to switch off the siren then guards should tell them to inform owner to instruct to off the siren. (Please note that not all alarm system can be remotely switch off the siren and un-arm/re-arm.)

    (8 ) If police is contacted then guards must wait until police arrive and provide details of recorded entrances of visitors if needed.

    (9) If guards see no sign of break in and owner cannot be contacted to switch off the siren then one guard will have to patrol near the house at least half an hour after the siren went off. (Note: most alarm system is set as such siren will automatically goes off after a number of minutes.) Intruders who understand this weakness of the alarm system will first break off the one particular contact point (magnetic point) or wire of a zone to trigger the siren and when siren is off the intruder can safely enter via the place of any contact points of the same zone without triggering the siren even if the alarm system is re-armed.

    (10) There should be a small log sheet to inform owner of the service provided by the RA as well as the guards. Therefore guards should leave a note in the owners’ letterbox reporting the incidents. (Note should include Time siren on, inspected the front and back of the house, time siren off, ……….). We recommend to provide same treatment to members and non-members of RA .

    (11) RA should keep a record of all alarm goes off so that any suspicious indication of frequent false alarm triggering can be identified.

  48. Thanks to the contributor who found and posted some SOPs for the scenario of a house alarm being triggered. That’s a good start.
    In my opinion, we need to list down as many other scenarios as we possibly can in addition to a house alarm being triggered.
    I can think of a few like –
    What we want our guards to do if
    1 Strangers enter on foot, alone or in a group
    2 Strangers riding in on bikes
    3 Strangers in cabs.
    4 Cabs entering without passengers
    5 Hawkers and other itinerant tradesmen
    I suppose postmen, courier delivery services and garbage collection trucks are exempt from any form of pre-emptive questioning. Or at least some minimal action like jotting down the registration plate and time of entry.
    For 3 and 4 above perhaps the cab can be timed to exit within 10 minutes before guards go on alert.

    What can we expect our guards to do if
    1 A snatch theft occurs in broad daylight and in full view of our guards.

    Are our guards expected to come to the rescue?

    Are they expected to apprehend the criminal who may be armed?

    Are our guards empowered to turn anyone away?
    Can members list down more scenarios and we all brainstorm through this blog to come out with the SOP for each scenario and submit them to the committee for approval.

    How about value added services (VAS)? You may call it optional extras. Can we have a VAS where for an additional fee (say RM 20 per month in addition to the monthly standard subscription), a member household can register his name and contact phone number with the guards so that when a visitor comes to visit, the number is called to confirm that he is expecting such a guest? If the member says he does not know such a person then the guards will not allow the visitor to enter. Alternatively, the RADA member can inform the guardhouse of his visitors car plate ahead of time so that the car can be let in with minimum fuss. VAS will improve our revenue and allow members to choose the amount of security they want and pay extra for it.

    Just some food for thought and for public discussion.

    I do not mind volunteering my services to moderate the discussion and to compile the scenarios and SOPs

    Just please do not talk down to me or get personal. I am allergic to that :-)


    Authentication code : 7782

  49. another proposals:

    1. old newspaper/metal collection should only allowed entry on weekend.
    2. tinted grass car, car with broken number plate, visitor car with > 3 adults must be recorded.
    3. close the gates for jalan 3 at midnight is good idea. we would have more guards for ronda.
    4. close the access paths at jalan 3 (to foodcourt), by a locked gate (only open at certain hours)
    5. make space at guardhouse for visitor parking.

  50. 1. All contractors and their workers must register with the security guards.
    2. All workers must be tagged. The workers must be wearing the tags at all times in the enclave. Failure to display the tag prominently may result in the person being evicted from the enclave.
    3. If possible, appoint particular vendors instead of having several e.g. newspaperman, gas suppliers, milk & bread suppliers, grass cutters etc. These vendors can be given season passes. The same rule will apply to school bus operators.
    4. Do not disable the alarm once it has triggered. Wait for the guards to arrive. If the alarm is disabled, the guards will not know which alarm was triggered.
    5. All taxis coming into enclave will be stopped and screened. Residents who have summoned taxis are encouraged to inform the guards in advance.
    6. Residents are encouraged to inform the security team that they are expecting visitors and provide details such as name and vehicle registration number.
    7. All vehicle numbers, phone numbers etc. should be registered so that the call centre can call/assist you in case of any emergencies. Please get your forms from the respective guard posts.
    8. All records of members will be kept strictly confidential.
    9. New vehicle number plates must be updated with the call centre.
    10. Please inform your friends/visitors to register at the guard post when visiting you.
    12. Inform the guards if you are having any functions at your residence.
    13 Anyone moving house, should inform the guard one week in advance, if not inform, guard will call the owner to verify if there is truly house moving in the particular house.

  51. If the guards are being threaten or abused, they are to allow the car to pass through, but he will have to record down the vehicle number, time of incident and report to the committe member to analyse who the owner is and how often he / she had done it. Make a list. Better still, to have a CCTV to records to antic of these drivers.

  52. While trying to find answers to some questions I posed earlier via an e-mail to RADA committee member(s), I got to read some of the latest postings from fellow residnets. I think their suggestions are really good and should be considered in the upcoming meeting this Saturday.

    I have another scenario for your considertuon. What if the guards are overpowered in the case of a forced entry by an armed GANG? Maybe we should have a dialogue with the personnel at the "pondok police" near our taman to explore how they can help? We have set up our own security to complement and supplement their role, so logically, they should be happy to assist. Right?

    Gan SL

  53. The following scenario should be looked into also :-
    If we want to implement lowering of boomgate and close/open road at certain time, then Resident (normally who??) does the following :-

    1. horning at guards (late at night! & they could not even care a damn if they are disturbing the peace of the taman) to demand the guard open the boomgate even though we would like it to be lowered at all times and open and check.

    2. threatening & verbally abuse the guards and almost wanted to beat them up.

    3. Resident coming home partially intoxicated, challenging the committe member and guard and wanted to fight.

    4. If a committee member, stood up for the guard and try to reason with the resident, and the resident had grudge against that one person, what can be done to protect these people.

    It will be shocking to hear this type of incident occuring in our so called 'established' neighborhood, right. I used to stay in a MEDIUM COST apartment with a monthly fee of RM 120 and driving Proton and an old honda civic. I religiously paid the RM 120 (more than 70% of what we are paying now) for more than 10 years and not having heard such incident like threatening / attempt to beat people. Sometime, it is better to be 'poorer', as some when they becomes rich, arrogance & selfishness becomes their trademark. I can only shake my head in disbelief, if there are such resident among us who are like that.

  54. By the way, all the 4 scenario did happened last night and more dramatic scenes were not elaborated. From here, root cause of the security guards not performing, may seemed not due to the guards alone, but some of the Resident themselves! Which mean, if we were to hire and fire 10 more security company, we will still not able to get good or desired security system, unless all Resident cooperate. If I am the guard being threatened, I will too open the barrier and allow free flow. Any suggestion from anyone, what can be done to help the guards and RADA. I am still trying to recovering from my shock....

  55. Dear all, as a resident, I wish to tell you that I feel so much SAFER after the security guard house is set up! I dare to walk out at night (even tough I am a guy) without concerning of my own personal safety...

    I realize that we have more and more residents joining in to volunteer on man'ing the booth, and Im giving my full support when Im available

    Great work to all, and lets continue this effort!

  56. Hi fellow residents,
    I have just emailed the RADA committee at a compilation of the scenarios that could be faced by our guards as well as the suggested SOPs or actions to take in these scenarios. Some postings were questions seeking answers and some were answers seeking questions :-) I have done my best in putting them in the relevant positions.

    Lets make RADA a success!

    Happy New Year to all!


    Authentication code: 5814

  57. I was just wondering that At Jalan 9, the visitor have a free entrance, while the RADA memeber have to go thru a screening. I am not sure WHY is this so.
    I would suggest, that both go thru the same entrance, until a better method is hatched.

  58. I heard Jalan 9's visitor entrance will be installed a new boom gate? Pls clarify.

  59. Hi fellow residents,

    A news item in the Star dated 8 Jan 2011, which was last Saturday, caught my attention. It reminded me of what I have read on this portal about how some of us feel much safer now after the security system was implemented.

    This news item is about a personality whom some of us may know or have read about. He lives in a housing area that was designed as a gated community, I believe, with guardhouse, the whole works. Or it could be just like ours.

    Despite the security arrangements his house was broken into. Read about it at this link:

    Bottom line is do not let your guard down. First line of defence is not foolproof. The decline in cases in DA could be a lull where unsavoury characters defer activities to scout out the area and locate weaknesses that they can exploit.

    Chinese New Year will be upon us soon and usually during the run-up to ALL festivals, the crime rate goes up as people look for ways and means. Even banks instruct their branches to be extra wary around these times.

    Thought of sharing this, that's all...

    Congrats to the committee for bringing down the fees by RM 10.

    Authentication code 1085

  60. Many things in this world are not foolproof. Even doctor who had the right instrument, medication, experience etc cannot cure all sicknees, but worse, still charges a bomb for their services. Hence, First line of defence is not foolproof and that was why few post up, I specifically stated reduce risk from 100% to maybe 10%. How many house with alarm,CCTV installed and rearing dogs was broken into in our taman before the security was set up? Quite many, not forgeting those that rush into the house after our main gate open..... But nowadays, you don't hear cases like this anymore, but like GS advised, we should be on guard at all times.

    I recalled when one particular taman wanted to set up the security sytem, one houseowner refused to join and says that he had 2 fierce looking dog. Well, his house was broken into despite having the dogs and he lost more than RM 10,000 worth of gold stored in the ROOF. The burglar used metal detector!! He is now a paying member for security.

  61. Hi,
    I was delighted to learn that RADA is organising a CNY celebration; both through a circular and a visit by RADA's team from house to house. It is good that we are engaging the members through such an activity. Let’s look forward to a successful event.

    While at it, I would like to make a suggestion. I think it is not quite right to insert the line that says "This is a computer generated form, requires no signature" in correspondences with our members.

    Firstly it is not a computer generated document. It is merely a letter prepared using a computer program such as MS Word. No different from a typewriter. A computer generated document is a document resulting from an interaction with a computer such as receipts in e-banking. Imagine using MS Word to produce a letter to your child's form teacher asking your son to be excused from school as he is sick. And then at the bottom you say "This is a computer generated form, requires no signature." Ridiculous right?

    Secondly, it is about accountability and responsibility, besides it is not safe. Anyone can also create a letter in the name of RADA to tell all members that membership fees have been reduced by a further RM10 per month, or some such mischief :-) and end it by saying "This is a computer generated form, requires no signature."

    Ideally RADA person- in- charge should print out a hardcopy and sign it himself or if required ask the Chairman to sign. The hardcopy with the signature can be scanned in a pdf file which is then printed in the required number of copies for circulation. I know this requires some effort and perhaps will take longer. And before someone tells me off, I know, I should not expect too much as c'tee members are not paid, bla, bla, bla.

    OK, another alternative would be to upload the letter without the signature in this blog so that we can verify its authenticity. An added advantage is that we can save paper this way if we know beforehand who wants to be notified via blog and print a smaller number for those who have no access to the Internet or find it troublesome to access.

    Either way, do not say "...This is a computer generated form, requires no signature."

    Please do not tell me not to treat the c'tee members like they are my workers, OK? Because I don't. Just want to offer some view points. Also, I believe if anything is worth doing then it should be worth doing well; even if it is thankless job. Our community need people with that kind of perseverance.

    This reminds me to thank the webmaster for doing an excellent job keeping us up to date. I check out this blog everyday. Also to the c'tee for doing an excellent job. I can sense acceptance growing.

    Gong Xi Fa Cai


    Authentication code: 1185

  62. Good news ! Finally, 2 MRT statin near our taman. I estimate, it will take about 15 minutes to walk to the Leisure Mall station and 28 minutes to walk to the Taman Bukit Mewah station. Can't wait for its completion (estimated 2016) to take a train to IKEA!

  63. 1.Why have 2 exits and entrance if these are not fully made use of?
    I have friends coming in and out of Jalan 3 without even the guard stopping questioning or asking them to go to Jln 9 to register.
    All they need to do was just raise their hands to the guard and the gate was OPENED!

    2. Looking at the RADA sign outside my house makes me want to take it down and throw away!
    The quality.......
    Color faded, some houses are just left with this of white piece of thrash sticking to their wall or gate!
    Dun tell me the RADA don't know about this!

    For your attention and immediate action

  64. I think it is time to admit that the security scheme was not as successful as hoped.

    We all know that visitors are just waved in whenever the committee members are not around to help man the boom gates. Although acceptance is growing, it is with a sense of resignation.

    We have grown accustomed to the guards who for a measly RM 1000 or so a month cannot be expected to want to strictly enforce entry and exit rules and anger local people who may resort to violence against them. Consider also that they are far away from home and do not want to return home in a box.

    Perhaps, we can work on the deterence effect. Perhaps we can invest in video cameras. Or at the very least have the guards write down LEGIBLY, the registration plates of all motorcycles and motor vehicles that enter our enclave.

    Handing out registration forms does not work because visitors will write nonsense or purposely write illegibly. And our guards will accept whatever is written. No questions asked for the same reasons written above.

    But make it their job to write down LEGIBLY the number plates and type of vehicle: car/ motorcycle / van / lorry / bas sekolah / Alam Flora / Postman. Also time entered and time left. ALL VEHICLES. NO EXCEPTIONS except for RADA stickered cars. Write down even the plates of the Alam Flora and Postmen motors. You know lately Alam Flora comes once in a week and the trash bins have been overflowing. If we make our guards record all vehicles and type we can know for sure how often garbage collection is done and make a complaint backed up by solid statistics.

    That as well as a deterrence effect.


    Authentication code 5711

  65. GS, good points as usual from you But I would still want them to do whatever they are doing now plus what you suggested. Do not lead them to believe that they are now relegated to mere record keepers. That would be really easy money. What say u?

  66. That's what I had on mind.
    Authentication code: 7374

  67. In the last AGM meeting, it was informed that the video cameras was already installed and that is more than a month ago. You know what the problem is, we are DAMN good at NATO. NO ACTION TALK (AND TALK AND TALK....) ONLY. Take the example, to paint the boom gate, it takes a person to drive to the hardware shop (15 min X 2 ways) using yr own petrol & time, look for the right colour paint, to decide if there is enough paint, buy brush / roller and then drive back, paint the damn boomgate which probably take 2 hours or so and so on. But it doesn't stop there, someone may complain and say why choose that colour, why paint so ugly and so on....

    We don't need comments or suggestion, we need the labour(yr time and labour) to make things work. If you are not happy about the tag on the gate, by all mean throw it out. Then try to do this, go to any tag printing shop (use yr own petrol, better don't claim, otherwise you will be blamed for misuse of funds), choose a design you like and a tag that will DEFINATELY work and look nice, get a quotation, then order the tag, get the tag, get RADA to reimburse you, and then distribute it to every household under the hot sun or raining days, whichever your choice. Be prepared for sarcastic remark from resident, but on the positive side, there are also many who are very grateful bunch. So let's stop talking and suggesting and get working, go down to the ground and do it. Then you will find out what the real world is out there.

    By the way, I am not a RADA Committe member, just another resident who support all function, whether there is food or not.

  68. Hi,

    Being a democracy, I think each one should be allowed to say what he or she has to say. It does not matter if all they do are to suggest and complain. It does not matter if it is all NATO. There is nothing wrong with it. In this spirit, I would like to echo a statesman who once said “I may not agree with you but I will defend to the death your right to say it”.

    Do not close your mind. In fact those of us familiar with the idea and practice of brainstorming will recollect that in the practice of brainstorming anyone and everyone are allowed his say no matter how idiotic it seems at first. Subsequently these ideas are evaluated. That’s when you separate the grain from the grist. Do not get agitated. Why must you be worried what people think about the color of the boom gate or the quality of the paint job? Just give them a smile, ask them how their mothers are getting on. And why must you deliberately take your car for a 15 minute drive just to get paint and 15 minutes to drive back? Can’t you just buy it on the way back from work? That is, if you do pass by a hardware shop. If you don’t then don’t do it. Someone else will, IF ONLY THEY KNOW IT IS NEEDED AND IF THEY KNOW WHERE TO DELIVER IT. For example, if I know RADA needs two reams of paper and I know way to deliver it, I will gladly do it.

    Only thing is, are the committee members reading our comments? I have a feeling they are not. That is why I have not read any response to our comments for a long time now. I think I will take it upon myself to write to one of them and ask them to read the blog that they created themselves and respond to our suggestions.

    Two way communication is very important. I said two way. That much I can attest to, having served in the Tiong Nam Rukun Tetangga in my youth and the PIBG in my later years. Most problems can be solved, if there are communication and mutual consultation. Some problems just take a while longer to solve, that's all. And if a problem cannot be solved, just live with it!

    We have a blog. We have road representatives. Why don't the committee members use these to highlight what is needed? We have 8 tabs in this blog. Why not another one that says "CONTRIBUTE". Personally if you want red paint, white paint, thinner, turpentine, brushes etc announce it in the CONTROBUTE tab with instructions on how to deliver it. Probably deliver to a road rep and I am sure someone will do it. If you want help to paint, put it up there, ask for volunteers, make it a fun event.

    Want to get a CCTV camera? Have a fund raising, a jumble sale or something like that. Advertise this in your blog!

    OK not everyone read blogs? Then, print out notices and get the guards to hand them out to every car that comes in, resident or non-resident, member or non-member does not matter. Do not complain about walking in the hot sun stuffing leaflets in postboxes like you will melt.

    Gate tag looking like shit? What did I say earlier in my posting much earlier? Do not hope to get support by shaming those who do not want to be members. You are doing that by putting up gate tags. Now they look like shit right? Serves us right! Can’t do anything about it? Let us live with it!

    Authentication code : 4525

  69. You don't get my point. I think we suggest too much, talk too much but not enough effort by the resident to put in to make things work. We conveniently nominate a few resident as committe members or road rep and hey presto, they are now fully responsible to making changes while we sit back and complain about this and that. Instead of continue to suggest, get down and do it. Can you head the fund raising / jumble sale as suggested? DO IT (need your labour and time) ie plan, gather the people etc.

    Next, how can anyone with a sane mind think that gate tag look like shit is due to shaming those who do not want to be members. The tag is a norm for all housing area, don't you notice or are we that blind? I say, find out where most of this non paying members are and boycott them. In fact, why the shit do I have to pay, I should consider seriously not to pay anymore. I get better treatment for not paying! Further, there seemed to be many in this blog who supported that.

    By the way, I heard a few RADa comitte member was so fed up with this double standard that they are already ready to throw in the towel. Anyone interested to take over? Well, I do hope they actually do quit,and together with the security. I get to save RM60 every month and we can go back to old times with many break in and at that point of time, then I can say "SERVE US RIGHT!!!" and LET US LIVE WITH IT.

  70. Hei GS,
    Good arguments! Hv been following your blogs since day 1... ? YOu make sensible comments and practical approach on how to get things done... really admire your community spirit and wisdom... keep it up !!

  71. If the committee members do not tell us what is needed through the blog which is a convenient tool for communication, how do we know what they need? That is my point and also that is the point that you, my good man, do not get.

    I also did not suggest that the condition of the gate tag is caused by our attempt to shame those who did not join. Perhaps you should follow English classes for adults. I assume you are an adult.

    You want me to organise a jumble sale without authorisation from RADA committee members? You are insane? You want me to to deliver paint and paper and whatnot when I do not know what is needed? Again my good man, it all boils down to communication. How come they are not communicating?

    Authentication code: 6046

  72. GS, aren't you a committe member too? You were nominated in the last AGM. Don't be such a hypocrite!

  73. Yes folks, GS is a committe member who had never attended any meeting because SHE was not given ample time to attend meeting.

    You can now revert all your request to GS and SHE will get it done!

  74. Helo, helo frens...
    GS is a fren of my. I can tell u GS is not a SHE and GS is not a committee member and nothing that he has written has shown him to be a hypocrite like the two clowns above.

    They dun noe anything and are groping in the dark and got their own asses instead.

    Thanks for the laffs.

  75. Actually, GS makes a good committe member and the smart friend of GS toO. Consider joining the committee too and do you bit for the comunity. Don't lah talk only...and all the ancient history about what you did in the past. Talk easy, do lah..

  76. now which GS u talk about? Right one or wrong one?

  77. Two blogs above, writer please show some respect. Respect of elders is a sign of good upbringing on our part of the world. Thank you.

  78. Hei, GS as commite? GS advisor lah.

  79. First, I would like to clarify that I am NOT the GS who was nominated to be a RADA committee member. I am indeed surprised, that two previous bloggers went on a witch hunt. I think they were absolutely mean to Ms GS of the RADA committee; especially the one who accused her of hypocrisy. Her only wrongdoing was to have the same initials as myself. These two playground bullies should apologize to her.

    Secondly, I am not a SHE.

    Thirdly, although I am NOT a committee member, I volunteered to collate the views of all contributors about their expectations from the security guards to make an SOP and forwarded it to the committee. Related posts are on 22 Dec 2010 and 27 Dec 2010. An acknowledgement was made on the same day by a RADA committee member I suppose. So, I am not all talk, right? I took 3 hours to do that. I would like to do more, to contribute more, as a member of the RA but I do not know how, because there is no communication between the committee members and members of the RA regarding what the RA requires. That was the point I have been making in my last two posts. And I proposed using this blog by opening up a ninth tab called “CONTRIBUTE” where the needs of the RA can be made known.

    Fourthly, my intentions are good but certain trigger happy people want me muzzled. I will make their wish come true. Henceforth I will stop posting in this blog since my posts have ruffled feathers. However, I will continue to be a RADA member. I will not “merajuk” or sulk like the person who actually blogged his/her hopes that the committee members will quit and the security system will be dismantled just because he / she cannot get his / her way. I could not believe what I read; he / she actually wished us ill. Further, I will pay my quarterly subscriptions on time and if I know RADA needs any contributions in cash for any special projects like CCTV, I will contribute. If I know of any need in kind I will try to meet it, at least partially. If they hold a jumble sale ( an e-jumble sale is easier) I will donate stuff in perfectly good condition that I no longer use but could fetch a good price and the proceeds go to RADA. I pledge all this in sincerity, devoid of pretense, sarcasm or ill-will.

    RADA is good for the community and I sincerely hope the committee members will continue their good work. Do consider my suggestions about a CONTRIBUTE tab in the blog. I also pray that RADA will win over hardened hearts on both sides of the divide and eventually become an inclusive organization that cares for all.

    Goodbye, I will not be returning to the FEEDBACK page of this blog because I know that evisceration is bound to follow this post. But I will be looking out for the CONTRIBUTE tab to see if I can do anything else over and above the monthly fees.

    May all be well and happy.

    Authentication code:0656

  80. No..advisor not good enough. Must be in the committee or jalan rep. Real GS, do consider, you don't hv to blog, as you see, you suggest but not all will happen. But if you are in the committee, you can then really contribute as you will be in the team and lead them to real action and changes. Furthermore, can improve communication also mah. Consider lah.

  81. Respect is to be earned, NOT given. Since you asked, I will tell you that what I is want is for you not to side behind a computer, giving ideas or suggest. I want you to be in the committe and your contribution to the community is better there, where real action take place. See how you avoid being in the committee after all the hoo hah, why? Becoz that is where the real work is, it won't be just 3 hours of work at the comfort of your home/office. I want you to lead. You are so wise, I am sure you can go direct RADA and say "I want to lead and start a fundraising event. and I will need yr support" You think they will turn you away? They are crying for help and asking for more resident to join in. Read up in the post from RADA. Are they the ones not listening or we?
    By the way, good strategy to avoid being doing the real work by saying GOODBYe and all the sad sob story being bullied. I really admire your talent in fact!

  82. 1 Respect to be earned. yes. So mean time can be rude lah ya? see posting by Anonymous 29 April 12:47.

    2 Who are you to tell GS what is in need? R u Chairman ah? Secytary ah? Commitee ah? Shiok sendiri ah? Who is hiding? You lah. Alaways anonymous, anionymous or any mouse?. GS put his name so that you can wallop him and he can answer like a gennleman. You without putting name or position want to tell people wat to do. Someone said don't tink the comitee are your worker. You ah? so whyb like that now?

    3 did Gs said he was bullied ah? i read his letter 4 times. He did not. Why you make story?

    4 also, where is the sob? where is the story. Be fairlah!!!

    5 you also sound sarcastic. Not gennleman, not lady. Not GS

    I also anonymous, cowardly like you.

  83. I respect the committe members & the respective jalan reps, whom most do not have high education or does not speak/write good english. They feared when they tried to implement the boom gates, some resident threaten them with law and also an incident of threatening to beat them, they were up at 8am to set up the the recent makan and AGM. They go house to house and kept quiet, when getting more sarcastic or rude remark from some residents. Each time a simple idea come about, they quickly worked on it where possible. They have my full respect, no matter how young or old they are. I feel so ashamed with the little I had done so far as compared to them.

    I also respect the guard, for a couple of them were really beaten by the resident, recently one of them was attacked by 4 men in parang when he stopped them from entering the taman. He was hospitalised and robbed of his money and handphone. I thank God it did not happen to me or my family.

    You can call me anything, coward, idiot, insane, no balls or anything you want but I still stand on my point, we are damn good at NATO. And when cornered,we blame others for not communicating etc. We hv the ability to give so many ideas. Suddenly we have not idea on our part to improve communication? We need the committe / jalan rep to come to us only? Why dont we go to them? We know where they live and their contact number. Why don't we each offer to do something, no matter how small, if everyone contribute, it will definately speed up the changes here. Rather than blame for not communicating? This taman does not belong to them only, we live in it,so each one of us must do our part beside paying the monthly RM 60.

    Now are you in the same coward category as me?

  84. Here is to inform the residents of jln desa aman 3&5,that some part of your underground sawege pipe behind your house might have collapsed or broken ,and it needs to feces waste water overflow to the monsoon drain. Now you can smell the unbearable stink behind your house, especially during night time when there is less water to flux over This
    is a dangerous situation, as it may need to spread of decease, especially harmful to small children. HOPE that RADA can inform all residents involved and take some action or to inform Bandaraya. Thank you

  85. Underground water may cause a big sink hole as happened before at the same row,luckily it was being noticed before affecting the foundation of the house.Please notice the seriousness of the situation and those residents should be informed.

  86. 黄老先师诞之时,一群善信要在此对黄老先师慈德庙理事会给予重要提点。
    有一群人每晚几个小时到深夜,在庙的地下层作不知名的崇拜活动,理事会却又不断想方设法加高广场篱笆外墙,好像不要有任何漏网之鱼似的,您们要阻挡的是什麽,锁起篱笆大门不许别的善信进入 ,在这里独享的心理,不让外人干扰的心理是跑不掉的了。这是大慈大悲的先师庙 ,广纳善缘的先师庙,难道先师不能容纳一些无家可归,要在广场露天而宿的流浪人吗,哪里才可容纳?难道先师不能包容可能会有的小损失吗?有这种负面想法及作为的人可说是有辱先师的教诲,希望在先师诞里先师会给予指引,让一些人跑回正道,别只着重表面利益而要真正落实种下善果。为了提倡正信正念,远离伪善,这课题可能会在各大媒体设坛公开讨论。

    *** 这是公开信,为了广大居民善信的利益,希望别删去以上文章内容,更希望有人传达这篇文搞给相关理事团。谢谢

  87. Been checking out property prices around our taman - now ranges from min RM 450K - RM 700 K (renovated). Used to be RM 250K about 5-6 years ago, & is much cheaper than surrounding taman. Now it EXCEED the price of few surrounding taman. Being a guarded area plays a role in this? I strongly believe so. Let's support the fencing project!

  88. You are drawing an unwarranted conclusion. The price level for all houses across the board is higher today from what it was 5 years ago, that's for sure.

    I agree that we should support the fencing project but you don't have to make unsubstantiated statements like that as it insults our intelligence. We can think you know.

  89. Got 1 house ah in rd 3. oledi a year advert but still no one by. maybe bcos of ???

  90. Do you mean that you do not agree that house sell better with it being guarded, as compared those without guard? Please enlighten me then.

  91. I started checking house price 5 years ago, finally bought and moved in <2 years ago after dumping a substantial amt on renovation. Expected to breakeven in 5 yrs or so. Regreted why moved here with no security (used to live in condo with security) when house was broken <4 months later! Luckily, security set up, much much more safer now and house price also breakeven and even profit if sell. Thus,my criteria for house purchase will represent house buyer around my age and profession. Today,I continue to analyse housing prices around this area, for a house for my children cum investment. And one of my criteria - I don't mind paying more for guarded housing area as I value my family's security over money. Like Suze Orman's quote, People first, then money then things, now you stay safe!

    As for house in Rd 3, I hv my reason why we did not choose that hse, but my comments posted here will be unfair to the resident there.

  92. Desa Aman was mentioned in Malaysian Insider report CHINATOWN TRADERS CRY FOUL OVER SHOCK MRT ACQUISITION NOTICE as an affected area where private property will be acquired to make way for the KLMRT Project. Has anyone any information on this? Please read the article. Do share if you have any info.

  93. The initial proposals looks affecting few houses at Jalan 3 but the revised proposals suggested no house is affected. The rail would be along the Jln Cheras (roasted duck side) instead, and the station should be at Maybank area (free carpark). All these may change again so dont quote our word :)

  94. Thanks for the feedback. Appreciate that a lot and no worries, you won't be quoted. Thanks again.

  95. I am surprised that the only minutes of meeting attached is the one in Aug 2010. Where are the first AGM meeting held some time in Feb 2011.
    I am sure there were other meetings as well.
    Not much activities are being reported now days

  96. The minutes were sent via email/print out to all committee members, instead of posting here, as not all committee members use PC/internet.

    You can request a copy from secretary.

  97. I refer to the AGM on 19th Feb 2012. I appreciate the work put in by the committee members. They are doing a thankless job and I can also understand their frustration and complaints.
    Now, we are talking about increasing monthly fees to pay for security. I expect the fees will continue to increase year after year. I am a retiree and frankly I cannot continue to subsidize those who are not paying year after year.
    Perhaps, we should seriously consider dissolving RADA.

    1. Quite a number of Desa Aman Residents are retirees and I am also one of them. Subsidizing for those non paying is so unfair, any suggestion to make those free loaders to be members?

  98. Agree with the above. We should meet at least 80% paying member, otherwise, I also do not want to continue to subsidise those non paying member. I rather use the money to upgrade my own home security system.

  99. Totally agreed with above. As a retiree, I have limited money to spend each month. In order to pay for RADA monthly subscription, I had to reduce my other expenses, such as Astro. But then,I noticed some neighbors and shoplots are not paying. Why am I sacrificing to subsidize them?
    Committee members are not paid to for their jobs but committee members accepted their position then you also accepted the responsibilities to recruit the non paying members. If you cannot agree to this, then disband RADA and let each one upgrade their own house security system.

  100. I don't agree we shove the responsibility to recruit new member to RADA. I know they had done quite a lot, while the rest of us just sit back and enjoy the 'free' service. This is extremely selfish. I am pretty sure, Comittee members accept the responsibility not because they want to do it, but because nobody want to do it!

    If security system fail in our taman, it will be because THE RESIDENT of Taman Desa Aman are NOT UNITED to keep this going. We see our neighbor not paying, but do nothing to convince them and then blame it on RADA.

    1. If Committee members do not accept the responsibility to recruit new members, then they should not accept the job, and if no body want to take the job, then disband RADA.
      As paying members, I am not enjoying "free" service please. I am paying for it every month. However, the best I can do to support the committee is by talking only to my nearby neighbors who are not member.
      The committee members are the ones who should go round the taman to recruit new members.

  101. The committee members are also paying members which mean they are paying exactly what everyone else is paying for, which is the cost of security and even more, cost they use their time, petrol, telephone cost etc to get things done for you and me. You are not paying for their service, that you have to be clear cut. They are not taking any salary!

    1. Of course all the committee members are not being paid for their services because it is a voluntary community work. If any committee member is unhappy to do the community job for free, then for goodness sake please don't volunteer for the job.
      If you had accepted the committee job, then don't grumble about not your free service to the community.

  102. "I am not enjoying free service" - what are you implying?

  103. I believe all committee members would be happy to pass the responsilities to other residents (if there is any). Even they are doing it volunteerily, I have to say they did perform much better than other taman's RA, especially when compare to my ex-taman.

    I am glad to know during the AGM, that most residents are so supportive to the RA. That means they did their job well!

    DO NOT COMPARE TO OTHER NON-PAYING MEMBERS! There are always some parasites in every taman. We dont want to become another parasites.

    I am willing to pay the RM70/month in exchange for the peaceful living. I am also a retiree with limited savings. BUT I want my remaining life in comfort and SAFE (God Know how many years to go). Robbers always like to attack the weak and old. In my ex-taman we are paying RM90 with much less security job (no ronda at all and every car can just enter without records!). That's the reason I shifted out.

  104. Can those who call non paying residents free loaders or parasites stop this nonsense ,who r u to call them parasites, if they r parasites what r u ??? Bas+*'@. Why r some residents not paying ? Did the committee members ask why resident, they do not want to pay ? I was once a paying member n I resign, but no one from the committee ever call me to ask why I resign. Are they doing a good job ??? Well u can say there r not being pay but they volunteer to do the job so do not complain . Do they find the root , why people don't pay ? How do we respect the committee when the chairman himself start calling people freeloaders or parasites. We have to find out , why people don't want to pay n not call them names .I m very sure most of the residents wants to pay but to some of them their doubts have to be solve first before they r willing to pay .
    Last n foremost pls stop calling names n solve all the problems . We want peace n harmony ,not hate between the non paying n paying members.

    1. As one of the resident here, I confirm that the comittee members ARE DOING A GREAT JOB. I could not & at this point of time, will not do what they had done and I AM DAMN GRATEFUL, that they did what they can to help me and my family.

      Commitee member & Chairman - THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME & EFFORT to make our Taman a peaceful & safe taman.

    2. And because, I did not do what you did, I will only look at the positive things that you guys did. Only one MOST important request from me - break-in has to reduce to ALMOST zero and it had been achieved so far.

      If I have a suggestion, I will forward them to you, but I promise I will not kick up a big fuss if you did not implement what I suggested. I understand that I am only one out of the many residents here and I know you cannot make everyone happy. Hence, please continue your effort. However, if one day, I want to have a bigger say in things happening in this taman, I will join you. I will not create hatred among resident here to discredit your selfless effort, but instead am very very grateful, you took the time to help me. Until then, thank you again for your effort and you can assure, I will continue to support you by being a member and paying my fees on time.


  105. Dear Rada,

    I received a letter "Installation of Barrier Gate System", we felt proud of this security improvement.

    Can I check after we sign the acknowledge letter, what is the next step we should do? How much should we pay for this activity?

    Thanks for your guidance.


  106. I am from neighbouring RA. Our committee actually are of the opinion RADA has done an excellent job, and this is agreed by most RA in Cheras area.

    Many residents may not aware, running a RA has never been easy. Many residents think RA should fulfill whatever request they asked. If wishes not fulfilled, they will threaten to stop paying, and ask other residents to follow.

    But most residents have different views on maintaining the safety. Some wanted to close certain access while others insist on open it up. Some wanted to have stronger ronda team while other may just need security at entrance to save cost. It is impossible to please everyone.

    RA meets regularly to consider all aspects on every proposal. Some may possible but most of them would not be easy to materialize. That’s why many RA cannot survive for more than 3 years. From the feedback here, we have seen the possibilities here.

    We really hope this would not happen; else it will turn back to old way, where most criminal cases will return back, because not many residence area in Cheras are not under security now (such as Taman Bahagia case). If more tamans are ‘open’ to criminals, the whole Cheras will turn to black area again.

  107. Dear Rada,

    I heard there was a armed robbery in out Taman the last 2 weeks. How can this happen when we have 8 guards 24hrs.

    I think there should be regular postings of incidence or near incidence.

  108. come on, even a fully G&G area also cannot avoid robbery. guards, fences or CCTV are just for the purpose of reducing such incidents.

    I heard of the robbery too, is it at Jln 1A (the new semi-D construction area)?

  109. Once upon a time, there was a story on this blog abt an owner somewhere who did not want to contribute n despite hvg 2 fierce dogs lost 10K in gold bars in the roof. So thats a reason why u shd support the RA. But now with an RA and a robbery we are told that we should not expect too much. Hahaha...whats this?

    Hvg said that, I strongly suggest that we do a post mortem to try to find out what happened and why it happened instead of brushing it off. This will help make our RA better.

    Would like to end by thanking committee members for their continuing efforts. Be open to ideas, do not be discouraged.

  110. Thought I share I link which i frequently check on crime -

  111. I would like to respond to the open letter to Road 3 residents.

    As a Road 9 resident, I urge all parties to be rational. Please consider the following:

    1 The decision to exclude Road 3 from the scheme brings into question, the proportion of Taman Desa Aman residents in terms of houses who are in favour of setting up the RA. I do believe there is a target that is required before an RA can be set up. With Road 3 out, and combined with those in other roads who may not be in favour, we might not have the legal standing to remain an RA.

    2 As for the security arrangement, I do believe that there is a rule that barrier gates cannot be installed if it bars the public from using a through road. The end part of Road 3 is a through road to those going to temple at the end of the road and beyond.

    3 A number of houses in Road 3 also contributed to fencing project. So with them out of the security arrangement, they have a right to claim back that amount of money they contributed towards building the perimeter fencing.

    4 Road 3 has houses on both sides of the road and it is a long road hence it is naturally more congested.

    5 Moving the boom gate to Road 8 will transfer the parking woes to Road 8 and inconvenience those concerned. Well, since you think Road 3 motorists are inconsiderate parkers; don't you think they will just park right in front of the barrier gate and block access to their part of road 3.

    6 If they can challenge the guards where they stationed now, they can also challenge the guards when they want to go through Road 8 and Road 9, esp when they want to go to the shops.

    7 There are some pretty decent people in Road 3. Remember they cannot choose their neighbours. It is by accident that the most un cooperative happen to be in Road 3.

    8 I was shown a followup letter by a friend in Road 3 to translate for him and I read that in some RAs, non-paying members had their cars scratched and even the guards do not know who did that. That is an unwise statement to make. It can be interpteted as making an indirect threat to Road 3 residents . Not cool at all.

    All things said it is still better to let the status qupo remain

    1. As a Road 3 resident, here’s my response, just for the sake of discussion:

      1 The decision to exclude Road 3 from the scheme brings into question, the proportion of Taman Desa Aman residents in terms of houses who are in favour of setting up the RA. I do believe there is a target that is required before an RA can be set up. With Road 3 out, and combined with those in other roads who may not be in favour, we might not have the legal standing to remain an RA.
      Me: As far as I know, the RADA committee has checked this out and done the arithmetic. If they are wrong, good for Jln 3, we can’t be ousted! 

      2 As for the security arrangement, I do believe that there is a rule that barrier gates cannot be installed if it bars the public from using a through road. The end part of Road 3 is a through road to those going to temple at the end of the road and beyond.
      Me: As it is now, the two boom gates at Jln 3 and 9 are no different, but no problem so far.

      3 A number of houses in Road 3 also contributed to fencing project. So with them out of the security arrangement, they have a right to claim back that amount of money they contributed towards building the perimeter fencing.
      Me: I thought so too, until I was told that a few gates had been installed for Jln 3, and with capital depreciation over the last one year or so, there isn’t much money for us to claim back.  Also, only about 35 residents on Jln 3 contributed to the fencing project, and I am one of them.

      4 Road 3 has houses on both sides of the road and it is a long road hence it is naturally more congested.
      Me: Being congested is ok, the road is wide, with cars parked “properly” on both sides single file, it can still remain a two-way road. The problem is inconsiderate residents double-park, often practically on the road itself, reducing Jln 3 to a one-way street! So traffic is obstructed. Some people have problems backing out from their car porches or driveways because their view is obstructed and oncoming vehicles can’t see them because of double-parked cars nearby. This is a hazard, especially near the boom gate. I am one of the people affected, as my inconsiderate neighbors (non-paying residents!) choose to double-park their cars on the rood rather than in their spacious car porch and driveway! They want convenience for themselves only!

      5 Moving the boom gate to Road 8 will transfer the parking woes to Road 8 and inconvenience those concerned. Well, since you think Road 3 motorists are inconsiderate parkers; don't you think they will just park right in front of the barrier gate and block access to their part of road 3.
      Me: Not sure what you are trying to say…..…parker?

      6 If they can challenge the guards where they stationed now, they can also challenge the guards when they want to go through Road 8 and Road 9, esp when they want to go to the shops.
      Me: ditto…???

      7 There are some pretty decent people in Road 3. Remember they cannot choose their neighbours. It is by accident that the most un cooperative happen to be in Road 3.
      Me: Agree! I am one of them…

      8 I was shown a followup letter by a friend in Road 3 to translate for him and I read that in some RAs, non-paying members had their cars scratched and even the guards do not know who did that. That is an unwise statement to make. It can be interpteted as making an indirect threat to Road 3 residents . Not cool at all.
      Me: On the contrary, I think it’s a very “cool”, legitimate and harmless remark. I think the intention was to highlight how magnanimous some of the Jln 3 residents are, continuing to pay and subsidize the non-paying residents with NO grudges whatsoever, UNLIKE residents in other taman who resort to “punishing” the freeloaders. Perhaps only the "guilty" parties will interpret this as a "veiled" thereat?

      All things said it is still better to let the status qupo remain
      Me: As far as I know, the follow-up letter promises status quo…at least until the end of March.

  112. So, is Road 3 in or is it out?

    1. Ya, I also wonder if Road 3 is in or out.

      According to the accounts, as at 31 Dec 2012, RADA still has RM 90K. All paying households have a stake in this RM 90K. A company when being wound-up, has to take care of its debts and liabilities after which what is left is distributed to its shareholders. Likewise this is what RADA should do. It should return a proportion of the RM 90K or whatever there is now (could be more) to the paying members of road 3 that it wants to boot out.

      But I hope it does not come to that. I am a third roader, a paying member of RADA, appreciative of what it is doing and hope the community stays intact.

      But I need to know whether we are in or out and the financial settlements.

    2. The trouble is only about a dozen Rd 3 residents turned up for the AGM. We nearly got out-voted by other residents who seemed bent on booting us out. It was our road rep Dr Gan who saved the day. She managed to use her voice of reason to persuade enough people to support her motion to extend security on Jln 3 for another 3 months. But the resolution of the AGM was that Jln 3 has to maintain collection at MYR 3000 per month, reduce problems with the guards and solve double-paking problem within the next 3 months. Otherwise, we will be out by end of June.

  113. RAs have no right to close off public roads

    IF road barriers are illegal under the Streets, Drainage and Building Bylaw Act 133, then what right do residents’ associations (RAs) have to permanently block public roads?

    Which law or guideline gives these RAs the authority to close off public roads?

    It does seem that the local authorities are not doing their job by allowing RAs to bend the rules where it suits them, with no regard to the roads being public property.

    All motorists pay road tax, therefore everyone has a right to use these blocked roads.

    I refer to the following letters which appeared in The Star — “Guarded communities are now bolder in enforcing own rules” (March 22), “Council should enforce the law” (April 3) and “Illegal structures on public space” (March 26).

    In USJ Subang Jaya, for example, it has become the “norm” to find roads being closed and blocked with locked boom gates everywhere and perimeter fencing permanently cutting off all excess to public roads.

    A majority of the residential areas adopting these guarded community schemes are blatantly ignoring most of the guidelines.

    Some of these residential areas are located just next to the local council’s office building. Obviously, the guidelines to setting up a “guarded community” are just for show.

    Why are the local councils allowing these to happen when it is obviously wrong and illegal?

    Some of the RAs, like the one in USJ18, have even gone to the extent of making non-residents pay for their security car stickers to enter their “guarded” area. Is this legal?

    Does this have the approval of the local council as well?

    I am not a resident of USJ18 but the kindergarten where my son goes to is located in this area. I had to pay RM20 for two security car stickers that are valid for only six months to enter this “guarded” area.

    Since when and under which law or guideline does the RA have the right to demand that the public buy their security stickers to enter a public area?

    It is clearly stated under the Guarded Community Scheme guidelines that vehicles cannot be prohibited from entering housing estates and guards employed by residents have no power to seek identification or stop anyone from entering.

    Based on the Selangor guidelines, the gated-and-guarded scheme is voluntary and residents cannot be forced to be part of it.

    I urge the RA of USJ18 to refund the money collected from non-residents as it is wrong to force the scheme on any one, even the residents.

    RAs have a responsibility not only to the residents but also to the public at large and they must adhere to the guidelines as it involves public roads.

    Subang Jaya

  114. I think I have my right as a non paying resident in Jalan Desa Aman 3. And I want my road to be barrier-free. Thanks.

    1. You have your right, but the paying residents who out-number you also have their rights. Don't you think the minority should give in to the majority when it comes to secuirty issues of a Taman. Bad enough you don't pay, you want to subject others to security risks! How selfish and self-centered!

  115. 1) The security guards cannot understand English or Bahasa.This happened when I try to tell them that the motorcyclist going into the Taman is a robber. (Saw them putting two parangs into their knapsack bag from another motorcyclist passing it to them). The guard just smile when I telling them that those two guys are robbers, later I heard two of the houses was robbed that day. Now the modus operandi of the robbers is they go in pair of two motorcyclists. Two on one motorcycle will scout around the Taman when later the will be supplied with 'parangs' from another motorcyclist when they have targetted the house to rob.

    2) The security guard are so powerless to prevent unauthorised car/motorcycles going into the Taman at Jalan Desa Aman 3, and I have personally witnesed that on many occassion.

    3) How can we solve the problem of car double parking at Jalan Desa Aman 3, this is really a big issues during the morning and evening rush hour, it is so difficult to come out of our porch when we can't see both side of the traffic blocked by double parking. Damn.

    4) Lastly, please let us know whether to pay for next 3 months fees (July-Sept) for us in Jalan Desa Aman 3, will the security service still available for Jalan Desa Aman 3 paying residents. I think many are waiting for the answer.

    5) Lastly, I want to say a Big thank you to the Taman Desa Aman RA Committee, you guys have been great throughout the period. WIthout the RA, I dont think we have a peaceful Taman Desa Aman. Great Job.

    1. Dear writer above,
      I cannot reconcile your statement 1 and statement 5. In 1 you ranted about the guards who do not understand BM and BI and then in 5 you are thankful for a peaceful Desa Aman. Robbers = peaceful?

    2. Your Q 3: Have you read letters from Jln 3 rep? All appeals seem to have fallen on deaf ears! Best is for neighbors affected to approach them personally and tell them that their double-parking is jeopardising Jln 3's standing in the Tmn Desa Aman security scheme. When Jln 3 is withdrawn from the scheme, the wrath of all Jln 3 residents will be on them! They will have to take all the blame, they will be looked upon as pariahs etc...
      Your Q 4: Don't know yet, have to find out from RADA committee if collection of security fees meets target for March to June. And also if double-parking and other problems with security guards are solved. Jln 3 residents have to start giving pressure to all these uncooperative and inconsiderate culprits, not to mention those free-loaders who refuse to contribute and yet are the ones who enjoy the securtiy benefits most!!!

  116. 1 Let us check with ROS to see whether it is proper for RADA to exclude Jalan Desa Aman3.
    2 On the “expulsion” of Jalan Desa Aman 3 paying members; RADA must refund a proportionate amount of its reserves to each paying member because our fees contributed to that reserve. Make sure the accounts are audited by a qualified person.
    3 If no refund is forthcoming , isn’t it a form of robbery? Isn’t it an irony that RADA formed to protect us from criminals has committed a crime unto their own paying members of Road 3?
    4 When you expel us, how much collection are you giving up? Check that it is still economically viable. Will the security firm give you a hefty reduction in fees to offset your loss?
    5 Moving the boom gate further down in road 3 will deprive both security gates the advantage of “line of sight”. The present arrangement has the advantage.
    6 I am sure paying members in other roads such as road 8, road 9 and the privileged part of road 3 will still have to pass through road 3. Now when they pass through road 3, they become “unprotected” like the rest of us in road 3. Like residents in road 3 who will be exposed to snatch thefts, so too they, until they reach the protected stretch. In other words, they are paying full fee for partial security in their own taman. Sad. For road 3 it is better, while we are unprotected in road 3, we feel save when we are in road 9.
    7 When you kick us out, RADA, please make it clean. Do not leave anything unsightly behind.
    8 Finally, RADA, thank you for a fractured community.

  117. I can take my dog for walk-walk n poop-poop in rd 9 can? Safe mah there.

    1. Don't be so bad lah! Make sure no poop right in front or our gates,, ok?

  118. 1. We canb actually complain to ROS, because the security fee is for all intents and purposes, some kind of membership fee. When any association wants to expel a member, it must be done according to the constitutions.
    2. I agree. We should also ask RADA to repay the RM 350 contributed to build fence.
    6. I thinkk residents can bypass Rd 3, they just use Rd 9. That's why they are so keen to get us out! Less headache for them....
    8. Sad, all the good work and reputation of RADA downn the drain. I agree, Tmn Desa Aman should always be looked upon as ONE community, not Jln 3 community, Jln 9 community etc. Remember, so many Rd 3 residents supported RADA, contributed funds for building fence, some woked in the community etc. It's a shame if now the community is fragmented because of this you-rd 3, I-rd 9 mentality.... residents

  119. Enquiries may be made at ROS through this link:

    But let's not do that yet. The ball is in RADA's court. Perhaps all Road 3 members can get together after we have been kicked out and see what we can do next including asking ROS to mediate for an amicable resolution of the problem.

    Mean time Happy Mothers' Day to all mothers including mothers in road 9.

  120. New development opposite our taman - EkoCheras

  121. After taking few hours went through the above comments, I think many have wrong ideas of how RA operates. Correct me if I am wrong:

    1. RA is a non-profit organisation, NOT a SDN BHD or partnership. Hence RA do not have Profit and Loss account. As a member, contributions (whether is monthly fee or special project fee) is given to RA without any conditions. Once you are not a member of RA (even you are resident), you cannot querry about RA’s account. All contribution given to RA is not refundable.
    2. Funds collected by RA have to be used for the benefit of members (not residents). However the usage is always subject to preference of each individuals, and always have arguments. That's the reason we elected committee members, and empower them to act on behalf of all members. Members can always vote out any committee members that majority think he is not fit, hence AGM and EGM for elections. Once committee is elected, we have to accept all decisions made by them.
    3. RA only need to represent certain area of residence, not whole taman. In fact, As far as I know, Taman Desa Aman have 3 RAs. Other than RADA, one RA is located at Flat Taman Rajawali (between Jalan 8 and 10), another one is Tmn Desa Aman RA at Jalan 2 (3 flats beside foodcourt). If RADA opt to exclude Jalan 3, for instance, then Jalan 3 residents have to set up their own RA. It is not neccesary RADA have to include Jalan 3.
    4. If Jalan 3 is NOT in RADA, the % of paying member may actually raise.
    5. RA is NOT a security company.

    1. Dear sir, you have just expressed an opinion, period. You are entitled to your opinion and we are entitled to ours. When it becomes necessary we shall refer to the authorities. I would thank you sir for keeping the community together not tear it apart.

  122. in this recent few months,you could smell some sort of burning taken place around our taman,it happened at every mid night at around 2am to 5pm.the smell is quite irritating,i think it should have some toxic, for the sake of our residents' health,can the management highlight this matter and find out the source of burning. thanks.

    1. sorry,correction .it is 2am to 5 am.

  123. Took me time to read all the comments, but I really enjoyed the article. It proved to be Very helpful to me and I am sure to all the commenters here! It’s always nice when you can not only be informed, but also entertained! ASIFLO
