Friday 10 April 2015

Letter to all RADA Members

10 March 2015

Dear Fellow RADA members,

We trust you know by now that RADA has been de-registered recently by ROS (Registrar of Societies, Wilayah Persekutuan K.L.) Some of us went to a meeting with ROS officers on Monday 9th March to seek further clarifications. At that meeting, we presented all our annual reports and accounts. The ROS officer was satisfied that everything is in order and has advised us to put in an appeal. With such words of reassurance, we are optimistic and confident that the outcome of the appeal will be positive. However, the appeal review process will take time, and it will be a few months before RADA can be re-instated.

It is indeed regrettable that other than the de-registration issue, we have also been plagued by various problems with DBKL, no thanks to some disgruntled residents who took their complaints about the autogates to DBKL. In addition, there have been a slew of despicable and criminal acts by a certain “titled individual” and his minion, resulting in damage to our access card readers and boom gates. 

We have made police reports to take legal actions against these culprits, but again, we will have to wait for justice to take its course. Meanwhile, we do hope you will bear with some of the inconveniences, while staying vigilant to help us in our effort to curb further wrongdoings by these lawbreakers.

Please be aware that all these antics by the culprits are means of making RADA defunct, to avoid paying for damages to our boom gates and card readers. Of course, they are also trying to discredit our work to turn all members and residents against us. Please bear in mind our good track record in the past few years, and do not fall into their traps.  

Finally, rest assured that RADA ex-committee members are still working hard to maintain good security in our taman in spite of all these adversities. We are confident that with your continuous support, we will soon overcome all the problems created by the detractors. 

We thank you again for your cooperation and understanding.    


  1. Much appreciation to all committee members who have put up great effort and time in maintaining good security in our taman. You have our support and hope to see RADA back in function soon. And wish all Taman Desa Aman residents can put aside self interest but working towards a harmonious neighbourhood just as its given name.

    1. I hope the future desa aman commetee will manage thing with a neighborhoodship principle, not as the old one did, act and talk likes 'taikoh' guRded neighborhood is a very good scheme definitely, but let not forget residend have every right to not participate due to their own personal reason and should be respected. Shouldn't try to find all sort of cunning idea to compel them to pay. Just be generous to to forgive and I believe God will sure bless u all. Tq may God bless desa aman always n protect every resident as they go in n go out each day. Sorry for being blunt

    2. Well said, Kar Yee. A Neighbourhood Association or Residential Association should be based on those principles. I will vote you as the Chairman of the New RADA. Maybe it's high-time a woman becomes the Chairperson.

  2. I wish more RADA members/residents will speak up, especially when approached by all these disgruntled non-residents who create troubles and problems.

    1. I think you meant to say that the disgruntled non-paying residents are the trouble-makers. Yes, one of them is a certain Datuk L**. Don't know why these free loaders want to complain, they should be grateful that other residents are paying for their security and peace of mind!!! Don't understand why they perceive themselves to be inconvenienced by having to push a button to open boomgates. Paying residents are NOT complaining about having to wind down windows to scan the access cards! Isn't this as much inconvenience as pushing a button?

    2. We complain bcos what rada did voilated the non member basic right to free excess gaurrantte under the constitution act. Are u all members think we non members should be like a fool n keep quiet n let rada discriminate us as they like. Just forming an association give u the power to manage desa aman like u own it? Is that so? Whoever is not a member should be treated like an enemy? This is guarded neighborhood

    3. When a resident damaged the gate, the commetee should understand tere is some dissatisfaction . The commetee handling the problem is very arrogant, they made a police report which is right. Twice he try to settle peacefully thru his lawyer. Demand him to pay rm13 k , and an apology to every resident. Given one week time and their one week is Monday to Friday only. Price non negotiatieble, pushing fir him to be charge in court. A good commetee should handle such problem with a neighborhood heart, he should go n see him to find out the reason, sit down n discuss with a neighborhoodship principle: ' Dato , what's the problem? Why so angry until go break the gate? Anything now let settle like neighbor Dato. What u not happy about Dato? I dare to say if the Commette employ such neighborhood principle in handling the problem , with any demand the Dato would say sorry n willingly offer to pay for the damage. And would u not agree thing would be solved and the neighborhoodship is cultuvated , friendship will built? Instead of pressing to charging him in court and made him an example so that it will scare people from causing trouble。 this is like killing him, then hang his head up for people to see n not to mess with Commette . Is that how a good leader handle when a problem arise. This is too arrogant and not the best way an association should use to solve problem . This way would only create hatre instead of building a closer neighborhoodship among resident. I think a soft approach is the answer. I hope future Commette learns from the old mistake, tq

    4. So many untruths in what you said. Are you the datuk;s minion? As far as I know, RADA comm had tried to negotiate nicely with this so-called Datuk, to no avail. FYI, destruction of public property is not an acceptable much less civilized way of showing displeasure or discontent. To live up to his "title", he should set good example to all, offer to pay damage and apologize, even without being asked!

    5. Walao , some RADA com like s to raise their voice when discuusing, like that also called negotiate nicely.. funny lah

      minion or no minions, rada is gone, bye bye ! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    6. As a member, why don't make a police report and get police to charge him ... so many months already. Pls also initiate a private suit to protect members' property. Those are not public property. They are member's property, so please file a private suit. We should treat everyone equal ... A MEMBER SINCE THE BEGINNING

    7. Don't lah just say coming down and press buttons are the same as swiping access card. Both actually increase security risk especially if you come back at night. Pity also some old people and ladies who have babies/children in the car. Even police also commented this is not a good way and actually increases security risk, but don't know why RADA wants it that way. As a MEMBER, I don't feel comfortable also winding down window to swipe access card at night. What about when it's raining heavily? Under very hot sun? This is not high-end condominium or gated-and-guarded bungalow. The guards actually play a big role, not technology of the gate used. Maybe it looks prettier, I don't know.

    8. I am a member. Thank you for inviting me to speak out. Actually not fair lah blame all on non-members. My neighbours are non-paying residents. Just a retired elderly man. I asked him. He said he don't want to create any trouble. But then he also said he don't want to be troubled. He just said he doesn't actually care what RADA does, but then forcing people coming down the car at night is dangerous ... I think he got a point lah. Can we not do the auto-gate without the button thingy?

    9. To the MAMAK minion: Why this special focus on this so-called Dato' and Datin? You mean becoz he doesn't like you, the whole RADA Committee has to take down all the boom-gate, auto-gate, guards, deregister RADA, etc.? What you RADA Committee doing? Scared to be suit for not telling the truth? I am sure everything is recorded down. Chairman has good advisers: a lawyer claimed to be an ex-police officer too, and an accountant. Don't know what these two professionals doing. To be fair, I think the Chairman, being uneducated cannot be expected to know all these legal and accounts things, and ROS thing, but he seems to work hard. Maybe the culprits are the lawyer (so-called ex-police officer) and the accountant who advise and hide behind the Chairman, and not doing their jobs or doing their jobs negligently, then find people to blame. What a shame ... Go Chairman Go ...

    10. We should focus on the illegality done by rada instead of datuk or datin. All tgis issues will not be there if in the first place rada carried out project in accordance the local laws. For example, the boom gate in the middle jalan 3 serve very little purpose taken down.

      This rada cannot dictate the traffic flow within taman desa aman, they also cannot force people to come down and press button. Period.

    11. "Don't understand why they perceive themselves to be inconvenienced by having to push a button to open boom gates. Paying residents are NOT complaining about having to wind down windows to scan the access cards! Isn't this as much inconvenience as pushing a button?"


  3. We heard that old RADA is dead, have to start new RADA. Why is appeal not successful? Is it because old RADA committee has done something very wrong? Is it true that ROS found something wrong with old RADA accounts, and thats why they deregistered RADA? If we start new RADA, who are the committee members? Please make sure old committee members who did accounts or other things wrong do not join new committee, if not, we residents will not support. Old committee must explain to win back our support and confidence. Thank you all.

    1. True got new RADA now. Not true something wrong with accounts. Don't know why cannot appeal. Heard from committee secretary did not send reports to ROS every year and did not give reasons when ROS ask. So, ROS cancel RADA. Hope members will choose better secretary at RADA AGM next time, this one not responsible or blur blur.

    2. Got RADA BARU? Didn't hear. Think just audit the accounts and pass to each member to clear the air. Nothing to hide. CHAIRMAN quite hard working. Maybe the SECRETARY not doing his work ... Hope RADA BARU got SECRETARY BARU who is properly qualified and can do work, not simply advise CHAIRMAN and get him into trouble ... Way to go RADA BARU ... MEMBER

    3. Rada baru is going to be plagued by legacy problems left by Ex rada coms.. Sigh.

  4. It's not true that RADA was de-registered because something is wrong with the accounts. There is nothing wrong with RADA accounts.

    1. Then why was RADA de registered?

    2. Whether there is anything right or wrong with rada account made no different, because the whole five rada never submit one also and never bother to answer ros show cause letter too. Tis us fact.

    3. This must be the MAMAK account minion and legal minion. Talk very loud but cannot trust one. If nothing wrong with accounts, just audit and pass to members loh ... anyway this is a Persatuan. Even UMNO prints out its account.

    4. Needs rada to clarifies why they were de risgistered and why they did not submit account to ros.

    5. Five years no accounts? Funny lah. Some said RADA got more than 150K in the bank. Some said RADA is so poor they cannot afford proper guards - thus have to employ illegal guards ... Funny lah.

    6. Can rada just tell why kena deregistered by showing the actual letter from ros? Always hide the true information.

    7. Can rada just tell why kena deregistered by showing the actual letter from ros? Always hide the true information.

  5. Good job!! Truly appreciate the committee for their continuous effort in improving the security system in our taman. Do hope RADA will continue to run. You've got my support!!

    1. Rada simply spend 60k members money to install auto gate without even getting approval from dbkl, just lied they got approval. Five yrs direct nvr submit once the account to ros . Guards employed are all illigal one. And yet the rada commetee are praised for doing a good job, HAHAHAH. They run rada like running a mamak restaurant only la

    2. Good job Chairman for getting RADA started. I think fencing and the guards do improve security. But I am not too sure on spending RM60,000 on an auto-gate, and what is the difference between the new auto-gate and the old boom-gate? Also don't know whose idea is that? It's like we have no problem at all the past 4-5 years and security was good. Suddenly RADA Comm. said a lot of problems after spending RM60,000 on the auto-gate, and everything kelam-kabut. Why got Dato' minion and Mamak's minion? I think Mamak works very hard. He should provide the leadership. As problem with ROS, think the lawyer and accountant not doing their job? Problem with DBKL another legal issue - where is the lawyer? Immigration another legal issue? Looks like nothing wrong with leadership and management, but many issues with lawyers and accountants ... don't know they qualified or not, or just plain lazy.

    3. All this started with the new auto gate. rada is using it to coaxed non pating resident to become member. You see, we dont need auto gate, but rada need or use it to make life for people that does not want to pay.

      We already have 70 percent people paying, so why force the remaining? Want 100 percent, impossible lah.

      Dont care who is the next chairman or commitee or what ever new association, no one can force people to pay. Some of us dont mind living without security guards.

    4. I think it's true all these started with the 60K auto-gate. Heard there is a private suit from members and non-members going on against all committee members and those rep streets for abuse of power, fiduciary duties stuff, simply wasting members' money, discrimination of non-members, etc, etc. Hope the new RADA has the right intention and good heart to do community service. This current RADA is creating so much disharmony and disunity in this garden, instead of trying to build a more harmonious community here. And so many problems with government departments. Hope new RADA gets more support from residents here and also proper approvals from relevant government departments. Also help to create a more harmonious community here. Many are old folks and retirees, and have stayed here for many many years ... what's there to fight and argue. Some were even born here. And don't be so personal and so emotional, and so proud. We are all neighbours.

  6. Why RADA lied to residents (both paying and non paying) that they have obtained the necessary approval for the old gates. If RADA is so right, then those who make noise would not have valid point to counter. RADA commitee, please stop twisting facts around.

    1. i meant new autogate**

    2. Under dbkl guildeline, as stated no auto gate are allowNo account was even ever submitted to ROS since Rada was form till today . A show cause letter issued by ROS was not even entertain by Rada which causes Rada to be deregistered. The auto gate installed was never given an approval by dbkl for the simple reason there never ever an application submited

    3. They say got about 100k over in the rada account, as l heard from from one member , so where u members money now?

    4. Walau ... this is CBT oredi?

  7. I am a non paying member and bcos l don't participate , rada commetee spend 60k to install the auto gate to discriminate or made me to look like a second grade resident by having to get down from my vehicle to press the button to open the gate . And when l try to reason with the chairman, who look like an Indian loudly and rudely told me' lu mau buat apa Lu buat' . No account was even ever submitted to ROS since Rada was form till today . A show cause letter issued by ROS was not even entertain by Rada which causes Rada to be deregistered. The auto gate installed was never given an approval by dbkl for the simple reason there never ever an application submited

    1. Really? Looks like negligence oredi. Thought got one lawyer there? This also looks like CBT. Getting Mamak into trouble only. Can't trust these people. But as a member, I think we can go ROS to check. Thought RADA is a Persatuan under Societies Act? Why don't some members get together and organise a trip to ROS to get the true picture? Own Persatuan gets deregistered also I don't know.

    2. Yes, rada is under ros purview. Also get a copy of ros rules and regulations on the net. I.e. members can request the association tk produce account and they must comply..

    3. Yes, rada is under ros purview. Also get a copy of ros rules and regulations on the net. I.e. members can request the association tk produce account and they must comply..

  8. Five years direct not one account submited to ros. How can ros find anything wrong with rada account. And that's the reason rada being deregistered bcos nvr submit the account, show cause letter also don't bother to reply. Now simply push the blame to just one resident complain that caused rada deregistered? So powerful that one resident , even when rada commit no wrong, he s is able to cause damage to rada

    1. Really? I was told one of the resident audit the accounts? What happened?

  9. For all resident info, all this while rada are commuting offence while managing the security. Those guards are all illegal one, being employ without approval from KDN one. Guard ate employed directly by rada

    1. Oh God ... is this really true? Will I get into trouble as a member? I heard employer can be arrested for hiring illegals? As a member of the Persatuan, will I get into trouble? Thought there is a lawyer there?

  10. Please do not listen to vicious rumors. Please come to this Sunday's meeting to get the facts right. Can we deny the fact that our taman has been aman for the last 5 years??? Did cars parked outside our houses get stolen or vandalised? Did our family members get mugged outside our houses? Thank you.

    1. Is there any gaurantee it won't ? Malaysia got law one and l have full faith with our police force . Malaysia is still a peaceful country and statistic nvr show our country are in chaos , however good an association, it's still need the police as the main pillar, so credit still belong the police force . Let not take it away from them.

    2. Can we deny time and time gain RADA erected structures only to be taken off by DBKL????

    3. Hello MAMAK MINION, Are you saying you will pay us damages if any of the above happens? You are guaranteeing us by putting this statement in public now? You are taking all the credit? We should also see crime rate in nearby Cheras, construction activities, economies, community policy, etc., which all contribute to residential crime rate ... of course having guards do help. But if you are offering guarantee, thank you first. No point listening to you talk as there is no documentary proof. Should send members some documents first, let them study, not just your words against his words ... make people more confused ... and more rumours ... accounts also never get audited, tell people no money because non-paying residents are not cooperating, and collecting from about 200 households only; then claim got 70% support (if 70% support from 400 households, that's about RM20,000 collection a month?). Then claim got RM160,000+ in the bank account last year ... how to believe what and when? You put in RM60,000, and DBKL just hack it off? Aren't you wasting residents' money? We thank you for all people's contribution in this neighbourhood scheme, GOD will bless them, but there is a limit to everything ...

    4. My car tyre was punctured ... can claim also ah?

    5. I don't understand about the invitation to attend Sunday meeting by RADA. Why RADA hire illegal immigrants? What happened to our guards? Most of them seem to be quite hardworking. I am also interested to know how are we going to get our $160,000 back. Why RADA suddenly has so much problems with various government authorities. Although I do appreciate the security scheme, but is everything RADA has been doing was illegal?

    6. Does this mean we have to sue all the committee members and so-called street reps to get our money back?

    7. What vicious rumours? Fact is dbkl did not approve autogate and money was wasted! Fact no. 2 Rada was deregistered by Ros!!!!!!! Explain that to the memebers lah!

    8. What vicious rumours? Fact is dbkl did not approve autogate and money was wasted! Fact no. 2 Rada was deregistered by Ros!!!!!!! Explain that to the memebers lah!

  11. My observation is that Rada is unable to show leadership to unite all residences.
    Please do not pick on non-paying residences by giving them extra inconveniences. Try to understand why they are not paying members and how they can be paying members willingly. If a residence cannot afford full payment membership, RADA should consider associate membership at half monthly fee.
    If Rada leadership is able to do that, I am sure lots of problems will be solved.
    It is time to heal wounds and be kind to each other in our taman.

    1. When some resident make any complain to the authority , automatically they are consider as trouble maker without even bother to try n find out why they complain n what they complain about. . If the chairman or the secretary claim those few resident as troublemaker, then all members should follow suit and see them as one.ask first did the committe do anything wrong that trigger the complain. If the committe bully those residents, they seek the help of authority , u still consider them as troublemaker and not the committe as the culprit . Judge for yrself residents.

    2. I agree with you on how rada communicate with all the residents, which could be handle in a better manner, instead shutting up peoples sharply and or flex their muscle as an association.

      Failure to maintain harmony among the residents is one of their weaknesses!

    3. Regarding the one 'Dato' who break the gate , l came to understand that one 'Dato' action was due to when he saw one old lady having to get down her car to go n press the button , two guards n few Commette standing there watching n smiling and one resident went to see the 'dato'shiwing him one police report to prove that his wife after having to get out of her car to press the button while raining till her wife got sick and out of anger the 'one Dato ' went to break the gate. To Rada that 'dato' is uncivilized but l say to u , that one 'Dato' l take my hat off n give him my full respect for as a paying member himself because he still has a heart pity them being discriminated by the Commette , can stand up to fight for them. I don't say what that 'dato' did was right but I dare say what Rada did was very wrong by employing such uncivilized tactic to discriminate all non paying member. Just imagine nvr applying for approval at all , use 60k members money to install it. For what ? Just say in the name of security but used it to made life difficult for non paying member to compel them to pay? That one 'dato' saw what they did is too much to the extend of risking his own good name with a 'Dato' title, he stood up for them. U need to give him yr respect, he still got a heart for people, but I wonder which rada committe can bring out such cunning idea. What a waste, so good brain

  12. I think it’s best not to be personal on this public web. If the allegation from the Committee that some people have damaged RADA’s property (which mean members' property), then let the police work professionally. By all means, the Committee members can also pursue a private suit against them on behalf of the residents. Just be professional about these things. Everybody can lodge a police report, let the court determines the truth.

    I think the more important and urgent macro issues at this stage in regard to Taman Desa Aman include, but not limited to the following:

    1. What’s the real reason RADA is being deregistered by ROS? There is no black and white correspondence put up on website or leaflet given to residents. Where are the submitted accounts? Are they being independently audited? Why are they not given to members of the Persatuan instead first for approval? This is also a requirements under the Societies Act of which RADA is formed under. This is not a private club. Money belongs to the residents, not to the Committee members. RADA Committee comes to residents only when they want to collect money.

    2. What’s the real reason DBKL dismantled a RM60,000 investment in auto-gate, of which it was operational not even for one month. Is DBKL wrong and acted negligently? Can RADA or residents seek compensation from them for the losses suffered? Or is RADA wrong from the first place and spent resident’s money negligently. Will they pay back the residents hard-earned money? Again, all correspondences with DBKL were black-out from the residents. It’s really being run like a secret society. Some transparency and accountability may be appreciated here. Again, this is not a private club.

    3. Why are there suddenly no guards? Money have been collected. What did RADA do wrong here?

    4. It was being said there was some RM100,000+ members’ money being held by RADA Committee members. Where is the money now? What will happen to the money? The money belongs to the residents, not RADA Committee members.

    5. What actually went wrong with the system – is it the people, the Chairman, the Secretary, the Treasurer, or the overall approach, or the authorities?

    1. These lessons will guide the future committee members in discharging their duties and also educate the residents on real issues to be alerted to have a sustainable “guarded neighbourhood” per Government’s guideline and approval. We can all learn from these lessons as educated and responsible residents here. People do not need to tell us how to live our lives here. Why should there be fingers pointing and a blame game. We just need to get the facts to the above issues right and address them like adults. If facts are being kept twisted, and hidden from members and real issues being hidden as well and not being openly discussed and always being twisted, then residents will always make the wrong decisions. We need to be rationale here and not emotional.

      I don’t think we want a secret society and/or a bunch of irresponsible, high-handed people to be in charge of assisting in providing security for us – voluntarily or involuntarily? Can residents think of how to get more members and hire professionals to manage the affairs transparently? There are about 400 households in this Taman with probably 1,500-2,000 residents being affected. So many things have gone wrong lately. Don’t think the residents are stupid enough to believe one or two minions are so powerful as it involves so many government authorities, and so much money is involved? Or there are larger issues that we all do not know off that suddenly cause everything that RADA Committee members plan to do go wrong, and substantial money involved; and they are trying to find people to blame? What are the real issues? Please think, my fellow residents. If not for us, for our future generation here.

      We hope for a more united neighbourhood and a safer and better future for Taman Desa Aman residents. The way RADA messes up things may decrease the value of our properties too.

      P/S: BTW, can the MAMAK's minion step forward and reveal himself, or herself, please? Please don’t hide behind the Chairman and do things behind people’s back “anonymously”. We all should be gentlemen and come forward and identify ourselves, if we are all sincere to resolve these issues facing residents of Taman Desa Aman in the long-term. RADA was only operational for four years – 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014. Beginning 2015, they started to get into all sorts of problems with all sorts of government authorities. We need a system and an approach that can last us longer; not suddenly lost RM60,000 and now don’t know where the other RM100,000+ is, just in four years? We are not super-rich people here. Under the guise of voluntarism, doesn’t give the right to the Chairman and Secretary to do what they like, to spend what they like, to hide what they like, to tell only what they like, and to think this whole Taman belongs to them, and run RADA like a private club of which only the committee members know what actually had gone so wrong suddenly, and where all the monies are. We are not paying protection fees to a secret society.

  13. Yours faithfully ... for the New Taman Desa Aman ...
    The MINION

    1. I am a member. Really. We have 160K? RADA is so rich?

    2. Really? Where is the money now?

    3. Money in da bank, held in trust by Jabatan Insolvensi cos of the de registration by ros.

    4. Strange. Which bank and which branch? You mean the members have $150,000 in the bank now? Why never use to hire guards? A lot of strange things happening ... I don't know members are aware or not? All these information should be in the web-site or leaflets given to all members with proper supporting documents. Not just tock ... and tock ... then tock again ... then Sunday go and listen to more tocks??? I also don't know ...

  14. I just attended the Rada Sunday meeting and observed that the committee members were as arrogant as ever. Please stop blaming the "three persons" for Rada's problems when all the time it was the incompetence of Rada committee members, especially the arrogant president. Learn from this episode and make peace with others. We need harmony in our taman.

  15. Very funny comments. .. rada is gone... bye bye. .. I don't mind living without security... so called harmony? Or just personal interest?

  16. During the Sunday meeting, one of the committee member proudly declared that they purposely caused non members great inconvenience with the auto gate and thought he was very smart.That was a declaration of "war" and when the non members fought back with complaints to DBKL, he called them trouble causers.
    So actually the committee members were the trouble causers who started the "war" with the auto gate system and not the non members.
