Tuesday 12 October 2010

Letter to RADA


I would like to thank the pro-tem committee for a job well done! It’s a good start, we can work on further improvement, other issues and details later on.

I appreciate representatives going round to collect the monthly fees from residents. However, since we are not always at home, we don’t mind dropping the check into the letter box of one of the representatives. May I suggest that you publicize this in the blog? Or reply to me with this info? Thanks!

Also, to encourage more residents to participate in this security project, may I suggest that the blog also list all the houses in Tmn Desa Aman,  and indicate which are the ones participating (i.e. paying fees) in the project?


Gan SL  

Oct 7

Dear Dr Gan,

Thanks for your support and encouragement.

In fact we received calls from residents on fee collecting suggestions:
1. To pay quarterly.
2. Online payment.
3. Permanent mailbox or location for payment.

We propose the following:
1. For November, we shall collect 2 months payment (Nov & Dec 2010). Thereafter quarterly payment from January 2011 onwards.
2. Online payment: our registration still in progress. Before this we can't open own bank account hence this option has to defer.
3. Permanent mail box/location for payment: Currently you can drop your cheque to the following address:
    a) 22 Jalan 10 (En. Hassan - Chairman)
    b) 6 Jalan 8 (Mr. Kor - Secretary)
    c) 47 jalan 10 (Mr. Ch'ng - Treasurer)
Note: Only Cheque or Postal Order. Don't drop Cash!

On your suggestion of listing all house that participating in this project, yes we will, but would be at end of this month as we are trying to push more participants.

best regards,
Ch'ng Soo Yang
Pro-tem Treasurer

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