Friday 29 October 2010

Non-paying residents at receiving end


Subscription to security schemes in residential areas often cause dispute among paying and non-paying residents.
While those who disagree with the schemes maintain that they have the freedom of choice, the rest think the former are taking advantage of those who contribute to the monthly fees.
A resident in Bukit Rahman Putra 7, Sungai Buloh, who stopped subscribing to the security services, was unhappy that the residents association put up two banners that read “Do not live on the charity of your neighbour. Please pay your share to protect your family”.
“No one can insult or humiliate us. We have equal rights to stay here without prejudice, shame and fear as the rest of the paying residents,” she said.
The resident spoke strongly against the action of putting up the tri-lingual banners at the guardhouse to embarrass the non-paying residents.
“It does not promote harmony within the neighbourhood and I certainly do not live on my neighbours’ charity,” she said.

 Do your part: Bukit Rahman Putra 7 Residents Association chairman K.S. Ooi said this banner was put up to create awareness and encourage the residents to join the security scheme and not to humiliate them. – By THO XIN YI/The Star
The resident said she opted to drop out from the scheme as she was dissatisfied with the services provided by the security company.
She pointed out that a neighbouring residential area, Bukit Rahman Putra 6, also has a similar banner put up near its guardhouse.
When contacted, residents association chairman K.S. Ooi said the intention of putting up the banners was not to embarrass the residents and was not targeted at anyone in particular.
“It’s a general banner to create awareness and encourage the residents to join the security scheme,” he said.
He added that the fees charged by the security companies increased when the government stopped them from employing foreign guards.
“The residents association faced the plight when there is insufficient subscription to pay for the fees.
“Some residents take the security services for granted as it is paid for by other residents,” he said.
Ooi said he was upset over the sole complaint by the resident.
He added that out of the 348 houses, about 220 were participating members.
“Last year, two or three burglaries happened fortnightly. We are having the security service for the benefit of all,” he said.
Over in Taman Mutiara Puchong, the residents association face a problem of non-paying members and visitors hitting the boom gates to enter or exit the neighbourhood.
The association has to fork out RM600 every time the boom gate was hit, and it has happened more than 10 times.
Gerard Lim, a association committee member, said they had lodged police report and even took the matter to the magistrate court.
In a residents association meeting, it was decided that the signs that read “You Bang You Pay” to be displayed on the boom gates to stop the stubborn ones from hitting the bar again.
The method has proven effective as no other incident happened since then.
“The paying residents are given access cards to raise the automatic boom gates, while non-paying residents and visitors have to register at the guardhouse every time they want to enter the neighbourhood.
“It is not fair to 80% of the residents to pay for the non-paying ones.
“Our guards take care of the common area, such as the field, where children gather and play,” Lim said.


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